
Slideshows: Rite of Election, Scout Mass, March for Life

Click below to see scenes from two joy-filled liturgies at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on March 1 at which more than 350 candidates and catechumens took their next step toward the Easter sacraments. Other recent slideshows produced by The Catholic Post: The Scout Mass Diocese represented at national March for Life

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Mendota students go on a vocations adventure

Catholic students who took part in “Catholics at the Capitol” last Wednesday in Springfield had the chance to stand for their faith and their church in the halls of our state government. But for 27 junior high students from Holy Cross School in Mendota, the day was also a “vocations adventure” that culminated in a […]

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Presentation Sisters create ‘new path’ in Princeton

PRINCETON — Sister Anne Germaine Picard, SMP, was about 13 when she read about St. Joan of Arc and the story of the young “maid of Orleans” had a profound impact on her life. “I had in my heart a desire to be a soldier for Christ and to fight for the faith,” she recalled. […]

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Annawan parish invites others to show kindness for Katelyn

ANNAWAN — Cradled in the love and prayers of her family and her parish since before she was born, 10-month-old Katelyn Hope DeRycke will once again receive the support of her parish next weekend when a benefit raises money to help pay her rising medical expenses. Katelyn, daughter of Adam and Hope DeRycke, members of […]

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Putting ourselves on the line

By: By Barbara Roedel Third Sunday of Lent, March 15 Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19:8,9,10,11; 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25. (When the First Scrutiny is celebrated, these readings may be used: Exodus 17:3-7; Psalm 95:1-2,6-7,8-9; Romans 5:1-2,5-8; John 4:5-42) Last week the disciples got a peek at who Jesus was and what he was about in […]

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Urge ‘no’ vote on Illinois FOCA

One week after 4,000 Catholics filled the Capitol Rotunda for the first “Catholics at the Capitol” gathering, the Illinois House’s Human Services Committee voted out a bill Wednesday that should motivate action from Catholic households around the state. The Reproductive Health and Access Act — dubbed Illinois’ version of the “Freedom of Choice Act” being […]

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Czech church spokesman criticizes Supreme Court ruling on cathedral

WARSAW, Poland (CNS) — The spokesman for the Czech Catholic bishops’ conference has criticized a Supreme Court judgment confirming that Prague’s historic Catholic cathedral belongs to the state and not the church. “It’s true that a large part of the public is against giving anything to the church, especially this cathedral,” said the spokesman, Jiri […]

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Cardinal Egan says possibility of married priests not to be dismissed

ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS) — The possibility the Catholic Church will allow married priests shouldn’t be dismissed, New York Cardinal Edward M. Egan said March 10 during a radio interview. “It’s a perfectly legitimate discussion,” he said during a talk radio program in Albany hosted by Fred Dicker. “I think it has to be looked at.” […]

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In letter, pope responds to criticisms over Lefebvrite decision

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In a letter to the world’s bishops, Pope Benedict XVI expressed regret that his lifting of the excommunications of four traditionalist bishops gave rise to a storm of protests and bitterness. The pope said the controversy over Bishop Richard Williamson’s statements denying the extent of the Holocaust was “an unforeseen mishap” […]

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Jonas Brothers: The 3-D Concert Experience

Rating: A-I (G) NEW YORK (CNS) — The following is a capsule review of a movie recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Upbeat concert film capturing performances during the popular boy band’s 2008 “Burnin’ Up” tour, interspersed with some behind-the-scenes footage of real-life siblings Kevin, […]

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