
Franciscans host garden party in West Peoria on June 30

WEST PEORIA — The Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception are inviting their friends and neighbors to a garden party on Saturday, June 30, as part of their centennial celebration. It will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. at their motherhouse at 2408 W. Heading Ave. “Hats Off to 100 Years in […]

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St. Boniface Church, Seymour, to be rededicated in 100th year

Photo Caption: Bisho Jenky will rededicate the 100-year-old St. Boniface Church during an 11 a.m. Mass on Sunday, July 8. SEYMOUR — St. Boniface Parish will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its church building with a Mass and a luncheon on Sunday, July 8. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will be principal celebrant of an […]

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Lostant parish celebrates 150 years with Mass this Sunday

Photo Caption: Father Hans Flonder, OFM Conv., is pictured with some of the members of St. John the Baptist Parish, Lostant, which will observe its sesquicentennial with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Jenky on June 24. LOSTANT — Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will join the members of St. John the Baptist Church here on […]

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‘Fortnight for Freedom’ to be observed June 21 to July 4

By: By Jennifer Willems The ringing of church bells and Sunday homilies devoted to the subject are just two ways Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Peoria will “promote, protect, and pray for religious freedom” during a “Fortnight for Freedom” from June 21 to July 4. “I have called on all pastors of our diocese […]

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Fathers and families

As Father’s Day approaches on June 17, the state of traditional family life in the United States has never been more uncertain. About 1 in 4 babies are now born to unmarried couples, a rate that has nearly doubled since 2002. Married adults now divorce two-and-a-half times as often as adults did 20 years ago […]

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Two women from Lincoln become Dominican Associates

Among the 22 women and men who recently made a public commitment to witness Gospel values as Dominican Associates were Mary Kay Lohrenz and Teresa Tierney, both of whom are secretaries at Holy Family Church in Lincoln. They join more than 200 people in the United States and Peru who accompany the Dominican Sisters of […]

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Forbes joins OSF HealthCare as top medical, clinical officer

Photo Caption: Dr. Kathleen Forbes is the new chief medical officer and chief clinical officer for OSF Healthcare System in Peoria. Dr. Kathleen Forbes has accepted the new position of chief medical officer and chief clinical officer for OSF Healthcare System in Peoria. She started June 1 and reports directly to Kevin Schoeplein, CEO for […]

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Carondelet Sisters have full hearts as they prepare to move

Photo Caption: Sister Roberta Houlihan, CSJ, and Sister Mary Shryock, CSJ, at the piano in their house on Wagner Lane in Peoria, near Holy Family Church. By: By Jennifer Willems Moving from a six-bedroom house to a room with closet space for three habits presents certain challenges, but nothing that Sister Roberta Houlihan, CSJ, and […]

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Ten truths from Scripture on the Holy Eucharist

By: By Father James King Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 10 Exodus 24:3-8; Psalm 116:12-13,15-16,17-18; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16,22-26 This Sunday we celebrate Corpus Christi — the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Sacred Scripture has much to teach us about this greatest of all […]

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