
‘Family’ prayer group begins; members, intentions sought

HENRY — Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria are invited to join a prayer group for the intentions of strengthening family life, and also to submit prayer intentions for the new group. Called “Missionaries of the Holy Family,” the prayer group will meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of […]

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National Catholic Youth Choir coming to Moline Friday night

MOLINE — Sacred Heart Church, 1608 13th St., will host a concert by the National Catholic Youth Choir (NCYC) on Friday, June 28, at 7:30 p.m. The concert is part of the choir’s tour of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. “For All the Saints” is the theme for the concert, which will feature works by Benjamin […]

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Golden gifts are on their way from merged parishes

Photo Caption: The Malamphy sisters — foreground from left, Margaret, Dorothy, and Alice — are pictured with fellow St. Patrick, Camp Grove, parishioner Chris Sullivan at the church after a recent Mass. Few pews in the Diocese of Peoria hold more parish memories than the front right bench at St. Patrick Church in Camp Grove. […]

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Recent movies reviewed on the basis of moral suitability

Photo Caption: Amy Adams and Henry Cavill star in a scene from the movie “Man of Steel.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13. The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ […]

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Speakers named for Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference

Photo Caption: Judith MacNutt, left, co-founder and president of Christian Healing Ministries Inc., and Father Bob Hogan, BBD, of San Antonio, Texas. Anyone who doubts that the Holy Spirit is full of surprises hasn’t been to one of the annual Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conferences. “You do see manifestations of the Holy Spirit there. Miracles happen […]

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TEC ‘incredibly important,’ says bishop at evening with youth

Photo Caption: Bishop Jenky gets a Teens Encounter Christ “agape hug” from Tony Alwan, who gave a witness talk prior to a Peoria TEC question-and-answer session with the bishop on June 12. By: By Tom Dermody Telling young people “I hope you never stop letting Jesus win more of your heart,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, […]

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Costa Galesburg principal retires, but dedication continues

Photo Caption: Jim Kovac, the diocese’s 2013 Distinguished Principle, accepts a token of appreciation from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, at the closing luncheon for pastors and principals on June 5. By: By Jennifer Willems SHERRARD — He may have retired from teaching and coaching at Sherrard High School in 2007, but Jim Kovac wasn’t […]

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School principals, pastors meet for year-ending Mass, luncheon

Photo Caption: Patricia Kellogg, who is retireing as associate superintendent of schools at the end of this month, received a gift from Bishop Jenky during the recent luncheon. By: By Jennifer Willems Before they went their separate ways for the summer, the principals of Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria came together for Mass […]

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14 complete training as spiritual directors for diocese

Fourteen men and women have completed the reading, study and reflection required to become spiritual directors in the Diocese of Peoria. The two-year process was led by Father Albert Haase, OFM, and Jessie Vicha, with assistance from Sister Linda Burkitt, OSF, as facilitator. This is the second class of spiritual directors to complete the training […]

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Discipleship calls us to reach out to one another in love

By: By Sharon Priester Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 23 Zechariah 12:10-11; 13:1; Psalm 63:2,3-4,5-6,8-9; Galatians 3:26-29; Luke 9:18-24 This week’s Gospel is part of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Luke tells us how Jesus ministered to the people as he traveled through Galilee after being baptized in the Jordan River. Since he was known […]

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