Care for Creation launch and Green Mass Sat., Oct. 5, Bartonville

BARTONVILLE – Barbara Harzman of the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (PDCCW) is the coordinator of the Care for Creation program launch at St. Anthony of Padua Church on Saturday, Oct. 5 at 10 a.m.

She says the initiative was inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment “Laudato Si’” (2025), and his later apostolic exhortation “Laudate Deum” (2023). In both writings he calls for speedier action to address the climate crisis.


Care for Creation is about responding to the Pope’s call at the parish level, Harzman says. She adds the PDCCW are “very happy” that Bishop Tylka will preside at the inaugural Green Mass, and that he is inviting parishes to send representatives to celebrate this Mass together as a diocesan family.

“I want people to fall in love with creation.” – Father Charles Klamut, pastor, St. Anthony, Bartonville 

Harzman explains that the PDCCW’s Care for Creation Committee is made up of people from across the diocese, but they are seeking many more individual parish-level “links,” who can serve as local contacts.

An early recruit was Father Charles Klamut, pastor of St. Anthony Parish. St. Anthony already had their own Care for Creation committee, and they readily agreed to host the inaugural Green Mass and diocesan-level Care for Creation program launch. Father Klamut commented, “I want people to fall in love with creation.”

Other partners in the project are the Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict of St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island, and the Victory Noll Sisters, who disbursed a grant to support the event through the Climate Change Covenant.

Pope Francis attended a tree planting ceremony inside the Vatican gardens on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Oct. 4, 2019 (Catholic News Agency)

In keeping with the harmony of creation as promoted by St. Francis of Assisi – whose feast day is Oct. 4 – the Green Mass will offer a harmonious “feast” of music. Mary Ann Fahey-Darling will direct and play guitar, with Meme Jenkins on keyboard, Mark Filip on clarinet, Grant Gillet on bassoon, Cindy Silver on flute, and the St. Anthony Camerata Chorale Festival Choir.


Lunch and a short informational program will follow Mass. There is no cost for lunch, but please RSVP to Mary Ann Hughes by Wednesday, Oct. 2 to ensure there is enough food. Phone 217-597-1021 or email: You may also email if you cannot attend but would like to learn more about Care For Creation.




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