25th and 50th Anniversary Mass: All you need is love (ok, & patience)

Philip and Bernadette (Brophy) Stickelmaier, celebrating a golden anniversary in 2024, renew their wedding promises at the 25th and 50th Anniversary Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Sept. 22. The Stickelmaiers were the last couple married in the old St. Patrick's Church on the south side of Peoria. The Catholic Post Online/Paul Thomas Moore

In his homily at a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Sept. 22 for couples from across the Diocese of Peoria whose 25th or 50th wedding anniversaries fall in 2024, Bishop Louis Tylka spoke of a short holiday he had taken over the Labor Day weekend in Arizona. Among the old friends he visited was Lois.

Lois and her husband Bob had known Bishop Tylka since he was a teenager, and she had been like a mother to him after his own mother died.

After Mass on Sunday, Sept. 1, Bishop Tylka and Lois went out to brunch, and she thanked him for being there on that particular weekend, on that particular day.

Lois was always very involved in many things, but she understood that this was not Bob’s way. For his part, Bob understood  . . . that his job was to patiently wait.

Turns out, it was the third anniversary of Bob’s death. In fact, the last time Bishop Tylka had been in Arizona was to preside at Bob’s funeral Mass.

He had forgotten the significance of the day, “but she of course lives with that reality each and every day,” he said.

Bishop Tylka reflected on how Lois and Bob complemented one another as a married couple. He said Lois was always very involved in many things, but she understood that this was not Bob’s way. For his part, Bob understood Lois’s desire to be involved, and that his job was to patiently wait.

Gary and Rita Ford, members of Holy Family Parish in Oglesby, had already celebrated their 50-year marriage with family and friends adjacent to their anniversary date of June 1. For them as for many others this day and Mass was “an extra blessing.” The Catholic Post Online/Paul Thomas Moore

The role of patience in marriage was a theme echoed by other couples in attendance at the 25th and 50th Anniversary Mass. Gary and Rita Ford, who have five children, were members of St. John the Baptist Parish in Lostant for 50 years before its closing, and are now members of Holy Family Parish in Oglesby.

On the significance of patience, Rita laughed and said, “Major, major,” to which Gary added, “and compromise.”

Christopher and Mary Oswald take part in the bringing up of the gifts with two of the gifts of their marriage – Isaac (17), and Cecilia (9). Clara (14), served on the altar at the 25th and 50th Anniversary Mass. Eldest child Lena (20), is enrolled in architecture at the University of Notre Dame, and is currently studying in Rome. The Catholic Post Online/Paul Thomas Moore

Mary and Christopher Oswald have been married 25 years, and are members of Blessed Sacrament Parish in Morton, where Mary is director of advancement at Blessed Sacrament Church and School.

“When a couple is so willing to give themselves to one another, they’re following in the footsteps of the Lord who gave himself for us all.” – Bishop Tylka

“Patience is important and …. faith is the most important part of keeping that all together,” she said, adding, “It’s best when we take turns having the most patience with each other.”

On the central place of faith in their marriage, Christopher commented, “It (marriage) is an opportunity to grow in faith and love, and to spread that faith through our family.”

Later in his homily, Bishop Tylka circled back to his friends Lois and Bob and the sacrifices they had made for one another. He expected the 25th and 50th couples before him on this day had made similar sacrifices.

“When a couple is so willing to give themselves to one another, they’re following in the footsteps of the Lord who gave himself for us all.”

Bishop Tylka recites the opening prayer at the 25th and 50th Anniversary Mass. Holding the Lectionary is Clara Oswald, daughter of 25th anniversary celebrants Christopher and Mary Oswald. The Catholic Post Online/Paul Thomas Moore

A total of 62 parishes sent in couples’ names, resulting in 389 couples being invited. The Mass was attended by a 96 celebrating couples, with 73 commemorating their 50th anniversary, and 23 marking 25 years of marriage.

Father John Bosco Mujuni, pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Dwight and St. Paul in Odell assisted Bishop Tylka. Terri Lahood of the Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation, and Deacon Marshall Plumley of the Kewanee Vicariate proclaimed the first and second readings respectively. Bishop Tylka proclaimed the Gospel reading.

During the prelude to Mass, organist and diocesan director of sacred music Jon Kroepel played for the assembly. The choir was from Holy Family Parish in Peoria, under the direction of Marty Frederickson, and their communion mediation was the very appropriate “A Loving Heart” by Timothy Bushong. John Clark accompanied on piano, and Chris Adams-Wenger was the cellist.


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