40 Days for Life, Life Chain and more

October is Respect Life Month, but you can get a head start in supporting the culture of life in the Diocese of Peoria starting Sept. 22 with 40 Days for Life kickoff events in Bloomington and Champaign on Sunday, Sept. 22, and in Peoria on Tuesday, Sept. 24.

Please note: the following are only some of the 40 Days, Life Chain and other pro-life activities taking place in the Diocese of Peoria before and during Respect Life Month. The list is far from complete, so please check your local parish bulletin for other opportunities to support the culture of life.

40 Days for Life

The focus of 40 Days for Life is on a peaceful, prayerful and non-provocative approach to spreading the gospel of life. The goal is to help women in need, not to make them fearful or full of shame. The campaign features 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, as well as community outreach and peaceful witness.

Bloomington kickoff event

Location: Holy Trinity Church, 704 N Main St. Bloomington

Date/Time: Sunday, Sept. 22, 6 p.m.

Organizers will be sharing the vision for 40 Days for Life in Bloomington and will be discussing some of the logistics of the campaign. There will also be a screening of “The Matter of Life.”

Note: parental discretion is advised (this film is not officially rated but probably PG13). No childcare will be provided.

Prayer vigil location (Sept. 25 – Nov. 3):

Planned Parenthood

1319 N Veterans Pkwy Bloomington

Contact: Daniel at bloomington40daysforlife@gmail.com

Champaign kickoff event

Location: Our Lady of the Lake (OLOL) Church, 501 W State St., Mahomet

Date/Time: Sunday, Sept. 22, 7 – 8 p.m.

The Respect Life Committee will host a brief, impactful discussion on the human rights issue of our time. How should we respond to claims about “reproductive rights” and “my body, my choice”? And what are the crucial questions we should ask to get to the heart of the matter? Information about 40 Days for Life will be available. Refreshments will be served. Children are welcome.

Prayer vigil location (Sept. 25 – Nov. 3):

Equity clinic

2111 West Park Court Champaign

Contact: Mandy Alman a-alman@hotmail.com or 217-766-4384

Peoria kickoff event

Location: Spalding Pastoral Center, 419 NE Madison Ave, Peoria

Date/Time: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6:30 p.m.

Veronica Lamlech of Westmont, Midwest field operations coordinator for Students for Life of America will be the keynote speaker at this year’s kickoff rally. She will speak about her experiences as a sidewalk counselor, student organizer and worker at The Women’s Center in Evergreen Park.

Christians … united in silent prayer for unborn babies and their mothers, allowing our hearts to break for what breaks God’s heart. 

The rally will also offer pro-life materials as well as a time of prayer for mothers, the unborn, and pro-life activists.

Prayer vigil location (Sept. 25 – Nov. 3):

Outside the Planned Parenthood at 2709 Knoxville Ave., Peoria

Contact: Anthony Berlinger at 309-340-2002, or at anthonyberlinger@gmail.com


As in the fall of 2023 and this spring of 2024, in lieu of a 40 Days for Life campaign, Knox County Right to Life (KLCRTL) is inviting churches to join its “Church Adopt a Day to Pray” initiative.

As KCRTL representative Barbara Brody reports, ”God is blessing each campaign with new churches praying, and more people becoming aware and praying throughout our community.”

Contact: Barbara Brody at 608-341-7705, or at brodybunch@comcast.net

Life Chain

Nationwide interdenominational, peaceful, prayerful demonstration since 1987. Christians standing for one hour holding pro-life signs, united in silent prayer for unborn babies and their mothers, allowing our hearts to break for what breaks God’s heart. This year Life Chain is on Sunday, Oct. 6.

Life Chain – Champaign

Location: Hessel Park, Champaign (on the public sidewalk along the south side of the park)

Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 6 from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Pro-life signs will be provided and can be picked up at the southwest corner of Hessel Park at the intersection of West Kirby Avenue and Grandview Drive. Attendees are also welcome to make and bring their own signs with peaceful and encouraging messages.

Contact: Renée at reneemullen1@comcast.net

Life Chain – Galesburg

Location: Henderson & Fremont, Galesburg

Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 6 from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. (sign pick-up at Dollar General parking lot 1:15-1:-35; sign return 2:45-3 p.m.)

Contact: Barbara Brody at 608-341-7705, or at brodybunch@comcast.net

Some of those taking part in Life Chain organized by St. Malachy Parish that lined State and Main Streets in Geneseo in 2023.

Life Chain – Peoria

Location: Outside Planned Parenthood on the corner of Knoxville and Hanssler (parking is along Hanssler Place)

Date/Time: Sunday, Oct. 6 from 2 to 3:00 p.m.

Contact: Dan Smith at instantfamily@yahoo.com. Dan will be onsite an hour before Life Chain begins.

More opportunities to promote the sanctity of  life

Sept. 26 (6 p.m.) – Living Alternatives Fall Banquet, Five Points, 3260 N Wilmor Rd., Washington. Register at their website. Call 309-620-9227 for info.

For nearly 20 years, Our Lady of the Lake Church has set up about 1,500 crosses representing the roughly 3,000 pre-born babies who are aborted every day in the United States.

Sept. 28 (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.) – Respect Life Cross Display, Our Lady of the Lake Church (OLOL), 501 W. State St., Mahomet.

For nearly 20 years, OLOL has set up about 1,500 crosses representing the roughly 3,000 pre-born babies who are aborted every day in the United States. Volunteers are needed to help set up this display; no special skills necessary. Children are welcome. The cross display will remain up thru October. Contact: Mandy Alman at a-alman@hotmail.com or 217-766-4384

Oct. 3 (6:30 p.m.) – Galesburg Women’s Pregnancy Center, First Annual Fall Banquet Fundraiser; Lake Story Pavilion, Galesburg. Keynote speakers: Debbie and Tim Schulz. Call 309-343-4739 for info.

Oct. 6 (6 p.m.) – Annual Respect Life Dinner to benefit Women’s Care Center of Peoria, Barrack’s Cater Inn, 1224 W. Pioneer Parkway.

Ann Kube, president of the Peoria Women’s Care Center will speak, introduced by the president of Notre Dame Teens for Life. “Class Act” will provide dinner music, and the MC will be Tom Dermody, editor emeritus of The Catholic Post.  Dinner tickets may be purchased by sending $75 each to: Respect Life Dinner, Women’s Care Center, 2609 Knoxville Ave., Peoria, IL 60604. 309-689-0200.


SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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