On the Demonic by Archbishop Fulton Sheen

On the Demonic by Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Emmaus Road Publishing 2024

Reviewed by Matthew Vander Vennet
of The Catholic Post Online

Archbishop Sheen had plans to write a work concerning the demonic near the end of this life. Taking stock of the world around him, and remaining as prescient as ever, Sheen understood that the times in which he lived were one of ceaseless activity on behalf of the evil one. The spirit of the age which had so rapidly changed the world in seemingly such a short time had begun to influence even the Church. Sheen’s diagnosis was once again spot on. However, he was not just a diagnostician, he also offered the remedy for the ills besetting society, and thus the ills also besetting the Church.

Unfortunately, Sheen never actually got around to writing his book on the demonic. He was dogged in his work on behalf of Our Blessed Lord giving retreats and offering missions to the clergy and laity alike. By the time of Sheen’s death at the end of 1979, and despite his prolific output as a writer and priest, he had not written his desired volume. However, this does not mean that Sheen did not comment on the demonic in his life. He most certainly did throughout his many written works and his retreats and missions.



Fr. Dave Tomaszycki, of the Archdiocese of Detroit, has done an amazing work in compiling and editing all of the known comments on the demonic that Archbishop Sheen ever made into the book that Sheen would have written had he had more time. Published by Emmaus Road Publishing out of Steubenville, Ohio, On the Demonic is a treasure trove of Sheen’s insights and thoughts on the demonic activity so prevalent, and seemingly increasing, in our world. Fr. Tomaszycki scoured the entirety of the Sheen archives across the world, delving into his notes and speeches on the subject. The Church and the world are indebted to his work.

Do not let his words trouble you. That is what the devil would desire.

Characteristic of Sheen, the commentary on the demonic ends always with the primacy of place for Christ and His Mother. Evil does not win in the end. The book begins with a discussion on the essence of the demonic: what its characteristics are and how to recognize the demonic for what it truly is in the world. Sheen then moves to discussions of the anti-creativity of Satan, in total opposition to God. The world and the devil always look for shortcuts from the cross and from suffering. This is chapter two of the work. The enemies of the Church have been around since the very beginning, owing to their being influenced by the prince of this world.

Sheen also comments on what he perceives will occur at the end in both the Church and the world. The Church will, “in the final conflict with evil, be betrayed from within” and “worldliness or secularism will end in a world tyranny.” (59) Do not let his words trouble you. That is what the devil would desire. Take them at face value and work to ensure that everything you do is for the greater glory of God and His Church for the salvation of souls.

He next discusses the anti-Church, the “mystical body of the anti-Christ.” Satan, too, has his own diabolic mystical body, aping the true Church and duping those who are part of it. He also diagnoses the three signs of the demonic: the love of nudity, violence, and schizophrenic mentality over the course of the next three chapters. The Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, and Our Blessed Lady are the antidotes and weapons to these signs and are discussed in the next three chapters. Again, the devil will not have the last word and Sheen makes sure that is so.

The final two chapters of the work primarily dwell on the power of Christ’s cross against the demonic and the diabolic at work in the world today. It is only with and through Christ that evil and the devil can be conquered. To that end, and offering a powerful example of his own life, he implores especially clergy and religious (as well as the laity) to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Eucharist is the weapon of weapons against the demonic since it is Christ Himself, truly and substantially present. One hour a day changes everything and recharges the soul for combat against the evil one and his minions. The many ills of man can be overcome with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It is fitting that this work ends with the admonition to have recourse to the Holy Eucharist. This, too, is timely since the Eucharistic Congress has just taken place.

On the Demonic is a worthy and fitting exclamation point to the corpus of Sheen’s written works. Fr. Tomaszycki has done a great service to the Church by providing another timely Sheen resource for the world.

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