Sister Judith Ann Duvall, OSF, celebrates 60th anniversary

Sister Judith Ann Duvall, OSF, major superior to the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, processes from the OSF motherhouse chapel at the conclusion of the Mass for her 60th anniversary jubilee celebration. Behind her is Sister Agnes Joseph, OSF, assistant major superior, and following to her right is Father Patrick Henehan, pastor of St. Jude Parish, Peoria, and diocesan vocation director of formation. To her left is Father Timothy Hepner, pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, Monmouth. Photo: Mary Louise Moore

EAST PEORIA — “Sister Judith Ann is a good sister who has embodied the gospel.”

These were the words spoken about Sister Judith Ann Duvall, OSF, by Bishop Louis Tylka, diocese of Peoria, during the Mass celebrating her 60th anniversary as a Sister of the Third Order of St. Francis.

Sister Judith Ann Duvall, OSF, stands with her siblings at the dinner following the Mass celebrating her 60th anniversary. From left are Dr. Joseph Duvall, Mark Duvall, Cassie Marsh, and Pat Duvall. Photo: Mary Louise Moore

The Mass and jubilee celebration took place on Friday, May 17 at the motherhouse in East Peoria.

In all that she’s done, she’s given witness to her awareness of what God gave her – to love Jesus … and Jesus loves her in return.” — Bishop Louis Tylka describing Sister Judith Ann Duvall, OSF

“This is a great opportunity for us to reflect . . . to look back and to think about who we were and who we’ve become . . . to gather with family and friends, to see how God’s love has been made manifest in our lives,’’ Bishop Tylka stated during his homily. “In all that she’s done, she’s given witness to her awareness of what God gave her – to love Jesus … and Jesus loves her in return.”

Bishop Tylka said he heard that when Sister Judith Ann was in first grade, as she was preparing to receive her first Communion, she said, “Jesus, help me to be a good girl, to love you always, and when I grow up, make me a sister.”

Bishop Louis Tylka offers a prayer of Thanksgiving after Sister Judith Ann’s jubilee meal at the OSF Motherhouse as she prays alongside him. Seated to Bishop Tylka’s left is Father Don Roszkowski, chaplain of OSF Motherhouse, and to Sister Judith Ann’s right is Sister Agnes Joseph, OSF. Photo: Mary Louise Moore


In reflecting on her 60 years of service, Bishop Tylka joked, “60 years is a long time. It’s longer than your bishop has been alive.”

During the Mass, Sister Judith Ann renewed her religious vows affirming her total consecration to Christ. The vows were received by Sister Agnes Joseph, assistant major superior.

Concelebrating the Mass were 18 priests, including Father Don Roszkowski, chaplain of the motherhouse, and Msgr. Philip Halfacre, vicar general of the Diocese of Peoria. Phil Lee, director of Office of Divine Worship for the Diocese of Peoria, served as master of ceremonies.

It is never what we can accomplish but so awesome what God does accomplish with and through us.” — Sister Judith Ann Duvall

The Mass was followed by a festive meal served in the motherhouse dining room. After the meal, Sister Agnes Joseph shared highlights of Sister Judith Ann’s 60 years of ministry.

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Sister Judith Ann entered the convent on September 8, 1964. She received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, and a Master of Arts from Bradley University in Peoria.

She has been a Pere Marquette Award recipient for her leadership and service to the Diocese of Peoria and received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross from Pope Benedict XVI for dedication to Catholic healthcare and heroic leadership in her religious community.

Other roles have included: nursing supervisor; director of formation for her religious community; treasurer of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis; and president of OSF HealthCare Systems.


Currently, Sister Judith Ann is major superior to the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, and chairperson of the boards, OSF HealthCare.

Bob Sehring, CEO of OSF Healthcare and his wife, Barb, pose with Mr. Sehring’s boss, Sister Judith Ann Duvall, OSF, chairperson of the boards, OSF HealthCare, at the conclusion of her jubilee celebration of 60 years at the OSF motherhouse in East Peoria. Photo: Mary Louise Moore

In sharing the most satisfying aspect of her vocation, Sister Judith Ann stated: “It is belonging to God and seeking always to let Him do with me whatever He desires in the service of others. It is never what we can accomplish but so awesome what God does accomplish with and through us.

“What I treasure deeply is sharing that commitment to God with my religious sisters in a community whose daily life is immersed in prayer.”



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