Neponset native celebrating 60 years with Sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa

Sister Eileen Golby, OSF

Sister Eileen Golby, OSF, a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa, is observing her 60th anniversary of religious life this year.

A native of Neponset, she entered the Franciscan community on Sept. 8, 1963. She received the name of Sister Mary Regina Ann, but later changed her name to Sister Eileen.

While she hasn’t served in her home diocese, Sister Eileen has ministered as a teacher and principal at schools in Iowa, Illinois and California, and was a pastoral associate at the Newman Center at Eastern Kentucky University and at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Lexington, Kentucky.

A member of the General Council of the Sisters of St. Francis from 1996 to 2004, she served as vice president during her second term. Sister Eileen was elected to a four-year term as councilor on the congregational leadership team and was vice president from 2013 to 2016.

Sister Eileen is a resident of The Canticle in Clinton, where she is a cantor and serves on the liturgy and social committees.

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