“Elemental” (Disney)

Ember Lumen (voice of Leah Lewis) and Wade Ripple (voice of Mamoudou Athie) appear in the animated movie “Elemental.” The OSV News classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. (OSV News photo/Disney)
By OSV News
Set in a world inhabited by embodiments of the four elements, this animated romantic comedy follows the fortunes of a fire lass (voice of Leah Lewis) whose literally explosive temper is constantly getting her into trouble. Her difficulties only increase when she falls for a water youth (voice of Mamoudou Athie) who is not only an outsider to her world but a government inspector whose negative report on her immigrant parents’ shop could shut the establishment down thus ruining their dream of success.
Initially unengaging due to the petulant personality of its heroine and the wimpy demeanor of her beau, director Peter Sohn’s kindly intended, mostly family friendly film is eventually rescued by the spot-on humor of some of its later scenes. Penned by John Hoberg, Kat Likkel and Brenda Hsueh, the script explores familiar Hollywood themes of tolerance and individual self-fulfillment, though it also includes depictions of a flame held sacred by the protagonist’s family that could prove confusing to the impressionable.
Nonscriptural beliefs and practices, characters in peril, fleeting mature word play, a very vague sexual reference. The OSV News classification is A-II – adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children.
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