Catholic Schools Week activities highlight prayer, academics and fun

Brantley Drake and Charley Franey, pre-kindergarten students at Schlarman Academy in Danville, show that there is fun to be had while learning. Catholic Schools Week, which runs from Jan. 29 to Feb. 4, features both, along with opportunities for prayer and service. (Provided photo)

“Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” is the theme for National Catholic Schools Week, which begins Sunday, Jan. 29, and runs through Saturday, Feb. 4. It is sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association.

While the 44 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Peoria may celebrate in different ways on different days, these themes from the NCEA are generally followed:

  • Sunday, Jan. 29: Celebrating Your Parish
  • Monday, Jan. 30: Celebrating Your Community
  • Tuesday, Jan. 31: Celebrating Your Students
  • Wednesday, Feb. 1: Celebrating the Nation
  • Thursday, Feb. 2: Celebrating Vocations
  • Friday, Feb. 3: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers
  • Saturday, Feb. 4: Celebrating Families

This listing was compiled from information provided by the schools to The Catholic Post. Because the deadline for information came soon after Christmas break ended, not all schools were able to finalize their Catholic Schools Week schedules and send them in. The web address for each school is provided so more information can be found.


Central Catholic High School: For information about Catholic Schools Week at Central Catholic, visit

Corpus Christi School: Donations for Birthright of Bloomington will be accepted as part of a service project planned by the students. Summer clothing is needed for the following sizes: girls, 0-3 months and 9 months, and boys, 6, 9, 12 and 24 months. For more information, contact Corpus Christi at (309) 662-3712. For more on Catholic Schools Week activities, visit

St. Mary School: For information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Mary, visit


The High School of Saint Thomas More: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at The High School of Saint Thomas More, visit

Holy Cross School: For information about Catholic Schools Week at Holy Cross, visit

St. Matthew School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Matthew, visit


St. Edward School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Edward, visit


Schlarman Academy: On the elementary school level, thank-you cards will be made and sent to the pastors of area parishes and local sponsors. Valentine’s Day cards will be made for those at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, and community leaders will read to the students. For students on the secondary level, activities include a community service day, and an enrichment day. Students will speak about Catholic education in their parishes. For more information, visit


Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Our Lady of Grace, visit


Costa Catholic Academy: As Catholic Schools Week begins on Jan. 29, the Costa Catholic Association will host a chili cook-off for Costa families and parishioners. On Jan. 30, students will welcome law enforcement, firefighters, city officials and other community members. At a Presidential Wax Museum on Feb. 1, the junior high students will present reports on U.S. presidents to their peers and parents. Each classroom will be named for a saint and blessed by Father Lee Brokaw, pastor, on Feb. 2, and Zoom visits with seminarians are planned. An all-school Mass will be offered for teachers, staff and volunteers on Feb. 3. For more information, visit


St. Malachy School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Malachy, visit


Visitation Catholic School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Visitation Catholic, go to


St. Mary School: All-school art activities are planned for 1 p.m. on Jan. 30. Teachers will be treated to lunch on Jan. 31, and students will write and post a note in the cafeteria about their favorite teacher memory. A rosary will be prayed at 1 p.m. in the gym. On Feb. 2, students will write notes or create videos to thank their parents. “Grandpeople” are invited to Mass on Feb. 3, and may join the students in the gym for refreshments and a school sing at 9 a.m. For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Mary, visit


Trinity Catholic Academy: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Trinity Catholic, visit


Carroll Catholic School: On Jan. 30, Mayor Tracy Welch will present a proclamation for Catholic Schools Week. Other events include hanging an informational banner for each student within the school, having a saints scavenger hunt, and hosting a family skate night. Students will also write thank-you cards to the cafeteria volunteers, while the eighth-graders will write appreciation letters that will be published in the bulletin, placed on Facebook, and sent to local media outlets. For more information, visit Carroll Catholic School on Facebook.


St. Paul School: A Knights of Columbus Hoop Shoot and Spelling Bee will take place on Jan. 29, and there will be a “pack the gym” night for volleyball on Jan. 30. Admission is a canned food item. Students will write letters to their parents on Jan. 30, and principal Laura Cody and Father Adam Stimpson, pastor, will make ice cream sundaes at lunch. On Feb. 1, Father Luke Spannagel, one of the National Eucharistic Preachers, will talk about the Eucharist. Teachers will be treated to lunch on Feb. 2. A Mass hosted by the third and fourth grade will be celebrated on Feb. 3, with a charity carnival planned for 1 to 2:15 p.m. For more information visit


Holy Cross School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Holy Cross, visit


St. Mary School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Mary, visit


Seton Catholic School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Seton Catholic, visit


Immaculate Conception School: The eighth-graders will be the leaders at the 10 a.m. Mass on Jan. 29, and the Knights of Columbus will host a lunch afterward. During the week, Father Luke Spannagel will offer a Mass followed by eucharistic activities for the students. A school carnival and talent show are also planned. For more information, visit


Blessed Sacrament School: An open house will be held after the 4:30 p.m. Mass on Jan. 28, and after the 8 and 9:30 a.m. Masses on Jan. 29. Snacks will be served in the commons and art fair will be held in the gym. For more information, visit


Sts. Peter and Paul School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Sts. Peter and Paul, visit


Epiphany Catholic School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Epiphany, visit


St. Paul School: A Scholastic Book Fair will be held throughout the week. A spelling bee is planned for 1 p.m. on Jan. 30. A Living Rosary will be prayed at (:30 a.m. on Jan. 31, and there will be a luncheon for the teachers. Guest readers will visit from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Religious team trivia will be played on Feb. 2. A school Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. on Feb. 3. For more information, visit


Holy Family School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Holy Family, visit


Marquette Academy: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Marquette Academy, visit


St. Joseph School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Joseph, visit


Notre Dame High School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Peoria Notre Dame, visit

Holy Family School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Holy Family, visit

St. Jude School: Open houses will take place after each Mass Jan. 28-29. Students will march for life during PE and may wear sports jerseys for a $1 donation to the Women’s Care Center on Jan. 30. Students may dress in spirit wear on Jan. 31, or dress as their favorite priest, Sister, or staff member. Parents are invited to share a half-hour of adoration with their students on Feb. 1. There will be a eucharistic procession and blessing of classrooms at 9 a.m. on Feb. 3, with Mass following at 9:30 a.m. Throughout the week, students will honor members of the school community, volunteers and parents. For more information, visit

St. Mark School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Mark, visit

St. Philomena School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Philomena, visit

St. Vincent de Paul School: Throughout the week, students will be collecting baby items for Women’s Care Center. The children will sing at the 9 a.m. Mass on Jan. 29, and an open house will be held from 10 to 1 p.m. Grandparents are invited to a luncheon on Feb. 1. Students will test their knowledge of Catholic/vocations trivia on Feb. 2. The week closes with a competition between the students and staff in a game on Feb. 3. For more information, visit


St. Thomas the Apostle School: There will be an open house after the 10 a.m. Mass until noon on Jan. 29. Parents, grandparents and special friends are invited to join their students for lunch on Jan. 30. A student assembly with games and a volleyball game between the eighth-graders and the faculty and staff is planned for Feb. 2. Teachers will be treated to lunch on Feb. 3. For more information, visit


St. Bede Academy: The seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen will attend a Mass by class, followed by breakfast. For more information, visit

Peru Catholic School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at Peru Catholic, visit


St. Thomas School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Thomas, visit


St. Mary School: Students will visit businesses in the community to thank them for all they do and will have a Zoom call with their seminarian. All-school adoration will take place in church. For more information, visit


St. Malachy School: “Joe’s Fried Chicken” will be served for a free-will donation at the Rantoul Knights of Columbus on Jan. 29 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Activities during the week include having pastries with parents, a Knights of Columbus free-throw contest, lunch with community members, and a blessing of classrooms by Father Joel Phelps, pastor. In addition, students will be making Valentine’s card to send to the Dominican Motherhouse in Springfield. For more information, visit


Alleman High School: On Jan. 28 and 29, students will speak at Masses at area parishes to thank them for their support of Alleman. Athletic teams and students in school organizations will assist in the community on Jan. 30. A Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration, praying for an increase in vocations, is planned for Feb. 2. Breakfast will be provided for the staff on Feb. 3. An all-school Mass with students from Jordan Catholic, Our Lady of Grace and Seton Catholic will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. by Bishop Louis Tylka and priests of the Rock Island Vicariate. For more information, visit

Jordan Catholic School: A bronze plaque will be presented to longtime teacher Jill Kenyon on Jan. 28, and the gym will be dedicated in her honor. Students in each class will send a care package or cards to community groups on Jan. 30. Guest readers will visit the classrooms on Jan. 31. There will be a spelling bee on Feb. 1, and students are invited to dress as their favorite teacher on Feb. 2. For more information, visit


St. Michael the Archangel School: For more information about Catholic Schools Week at St. Michael the Archangel, visit


St. Patrick School: Planning is still in process, but school officials hope to welcome parents and grandparents for breakfast and an open house, as well as bring back the talent school after a COVID-19 hiatus and a family fun night. A luncheon for teachers and staff is also being put together. For more information, visit

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