As Advent begins, opportunities for missions, music and reflection revealed

A lit candle is seen on an Advent wreath. Advent, which begins this Sunday, Nov. 27, is a season of waiting. (CNS photo/Lisa Johnston, St Louis Review)
Cathedral Nativity loaned to community festival
An historic Nativity that has graced the sanctuary of St. Mary’s Cathedral since 1933 is one of 750 that will be displayed at the Peoria Area Community Festival of Nativities, planned for Dec. 1-4, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Peoria.

This is part of the Nativity from St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria that is being loaned to the Peoria Area Community Festival of Nativities Dec. 1-4. (Catholic Post file photo/Jennifer Willems)
The theme for this year’s festival is “Prince of Peace.” In addition to the host church, sponsors include the Peoria Heights Congregational Church, All Saints Greek Orthodox Church, Mount Hawley Community Church, Holy Family Church and St. Vincent de Paul Church.
Bishop Louis Tylka will attend the exhibit’s opening on Thursday, Dec. 1, and the presentation of the Light the World Award at 7 p.m. He will also give a blessing.
The hours on Dec. 1 are from 5 to 9 p.m. People may visit from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., on Dec. 2 and 3, and from noon to 6 p.m. on Dec. 4.
The Nativity from St. Mary’s Cathedral was obtained by Archbishop Joseph H. Schlarman, the Third Bishop of Peoria, during his European travels. It will be displayed at St. Mary’s Cathedral again this year, but a little later in Advent.
Tour brings Emanuele Fontanini to Peoria Nov. 25
Emanuele Fontanini, a fourth-generation member of the Fontanini family of Italy, will visit Lagron-Miller Company in Peoria on Friday, Nov. 25, as part of his 2022 tour. The event will be held from noon to 2 p.m.
Available for purchase that day will be the exclusive tour piece — Elisha, the Shepherdess — as well as the 2022 event ornament. Fontanini will sign both, as well as up to two pieces previously purchased that are brought in by those who attend.
The Fontanini line has been a staple for generations, according to officials at Lagron-Miller. Many customers purchase pieces for weddings and special events.
Those who are not able to attend the signing may purchase the event piece online or by phone and the staff will have it signed. The religious goods store is located at 4517 N. Sterling or call (309) 681-9171.
Heading Avenue Franciscans hosting Lessons and Carols
This Sunday, Nov. 27, the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception will offer Advent Lessons and Carols in the chapel of Immaculate Conception Convent, 2408 W. Heading Ave., in West Peoria. The service, which will be in person this year, begins at 4 p.m.
Fr. Grandon returns for Advent mission Nov. 27-29
Father Douglas Grandon, who was ordained for the Diocese of Peoria and now serves in the Archdiocese of Denver, will return to central Illinois Nov. 27-29 for an Advent mission hosted by St. Patrick in Dwight and St. Paul in Odell. The focus will be on the National Eucharistic Revival.
The first talk will be at St. Patrick Church, 100 W. Mazon Ave., Dwight, on Nov. 27. There will be a mission talk at 4:30 p.m., followed by a Holy Hour for life, marriage and liberty with reconciliation at 5 p.m.
On Nov. 28, there will be a Mass at 5 p.m. with a mission talk by Father Grandon at 6 p.m. at St. Paul Church 200 S. West St., Odell. A Holy Hour with reconciliation will follow at 6:30 p.m.
The mission returns to St. Patrick for a Holy Hour at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 29. Father Grandon will give a mission talk at 6 p.m., during the Holy Hour. A “wrap-up dinner” will be held following the final mission talk.
Reservations to (815) 584-3522 or are not required but would be helpful in planning for the dinner.
Father Grandon is one of 58 National Eucharistic Preachers selected to serve during the revival, which runs until 2024.
Colona series offers talks on having eucharistic heart
“Preparing for Christmas with a Eucharistic Heart” is the theme for an Advent series that will be presented on the four Mondays before Christmas, starting Nov. 28, at St. Patrick Church, 201 First St., in Colona. The speaker will be Father Peter Zorjan, pastor.
He will give his talks at 6:30 p.m. and then hear confessions until everyone has had a turn. While he is in the confessional, a Holy Hour will be led by the deacons from 7 to 8 p.m.
The dates and themes are: Nov. 28, “The Eucharistic Wisdom of the Early Church Fathers”; Dec. 5, “The Eucharistic Wisdom of Religious Founders”; Dec. 12, “The Eucharistic Wisdom of the Holy Virgins” and Dec. 19, “The Eucharistic Wisdom of the Last 100 Years.”
“We want to rediscover what the saints who have gone before us taught us about the Eucharist, so we can rediscover what the Eucharist has meant to the church for the last 2,000 years,” Father Zorjan said.
Quad Cities mission features Kitty Cleveland
Catholic lay evangelist and “music missionary” Kitty Cleveland will be the featured speaker for “Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary,” an Advent mission planned for First Friday, Dec. 2, at Holy Family Church, and First Saturday, Dec. 3, at St. Alphonsus Church, both in Davenport, Iowa. Families and children are welcome to attend.
The mission session on Dec. 2 begins with adoration and confession at 4 p.m. and Mass at 5:30 p.m. Cleveland’s talk and testimony, “Trusting in God’s Divine Providence,” follows at 6:15 p.m. The evening ends with refreshments and fellowship.
Holy Family Church is located at 1923 Fillmore St.
On Dec. 3, there will be adoration at 8 a.m. and Mass at 9 a.m. “Cultivating a Personal Relationship with the Blessed Mother” is the theme for Cleveland’s talk, which will be held at 9:45 a.m. in the gymnasium at St. Alphonsus, 2618 Boies Ave. Breakfast and fellowship will follow.
Based in the New Orleans area, Cleveland has released 10 CDs of music and prayer. Her latest project, “Sounds of Peace,” was inspired by her desire to share those gifts with the poor, the sick, and the dying at no charge to them. For more information, visit