Joy, Eucharist themes Oct. 8 for Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in Princeton

PRINCETON — The Altar and Rosary Society of St. Louis Church will host the biennial convention of the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women on Saturday, Oct. 8. The theme is “Receive and Be Filled with Joy.”
It will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. with a blessing from Msgr. Dale Wellman, longtime spiritual adviser.
The keynote speaker will be Father Luke Spannagel, a priest of the Diocese of Peoria who is one of 58 National Eucharistic Preachers for the National Eucharistic Revival. In addition to his work with the revival over the next three years, he serves as parochial vicar for St. Mary’s Cathedral, Sacred Heart, St. Bernard and St. Joseph, all in Peoria.
Those who attend the convention will get to hear Father Spannagel speak again as the homilist at Mass.
Among the activities is the election and installation of officers for the next two years. The proposed slate of officers includes Mary Ann Hughes of St. Mary Parish, Westville, for a second term as president; April Adams of St. Mary Parish, Metamora, for vice president; Barbara Harzman of St. Paul Parish, Macomb, for a second term as secretary; and Melissa Appell of St. Jude Parish, Peoria, for treasurer.
Nominations will be accepted from the floor for all officers except the president, who is approved and appointed by Bishop Louis Tylka, based on recommendations from the board.
Information will also be provided on the various ways to get involved in the work of the PDCCW.
The cost, which includes a light breakfast and lunch, is $30 per person. To register, send a check made payable to Peoria DCCW, along with your name, address, phone number, email address and parish/city to Melissa Appell, 124 W. Copperfield, Dunlap, IL 61525.
Registration is due by Sept. 24.
For more information, visit or contact Hughes at (217) 597-1021 or