Family members describe diocese’s newest priests: kind, caring, loving Jesus/Mary

Newly ordained Father Nicolas Wilson offers a blessing to his parents, Richard and Lori Wilson, and brother Ben during a reception at the Spalding Pastoral Center that followed the ordination Mass on May 29. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
The parents and family members of newly ordained Father Austin Bosse and Father Nicolas Wilson can assure their first parishes they will be served by outstanding young men who love Christ and the church.
Asked following the ordination Mass on May 29 for three words to describe their sons or brothers, Father Bosse’s family — most of whom traveled from his native Kansas — chose adjectives including sincere, friendly, caring, thoughtful, fun, charitable, kind, and loveable.

Newly ordained Father Austin Bosse blesses his parents, Armon Jr. and Rosie Bosse, at the reception following the May 29 ordination Mass. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
“He’s very dedicated to the Blessed Mother,” said his father, J.R.
“He loves Jesus. And food,” added his sister, Alena Brautigam. His favorite foods? No-bake cookies and smoked meats.
“He’s a gentle soul and his smile can light up a room,” said his mother, Rosie.
“He can find the good in anything,” added brother Clint, who also noted Father Bosse’s love for the outdoors.
Father Wilson was described as intelligent, compassionate, creative, humble, patient, caring and kind by his parents, Richard and Lori Wilson of St. Jude Parish, Peoria, and his younger brother, Ben.
“He’s an excellent listener and he’s very focused on bringing people to Christ,” said his mother.
“He might seem quiet up front, but once you get to know him he’s a talker,” added Ben, saying his brother’s patience and kindness were evidenced by “putting up with me for 24 years.”
Father Wilson’s dad said simply: “He’s the kindest person I know.”

Father Bosse’s siblings, their spouses, and many of his nieces and nephews applaud in the front row as the priesthood candidates are accepted on May 29. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
The family members of the new priests will take many memories from the ordination Mass. The Wilsons said a highlight was when Msgr. Stanley Deptula assisted their son with his new priestly vestments.
Father Bosse’s family cited the music that swelled in praise and echoed through the cathedral, the blessings offered from priests around the diocese, and his “sheer look of joy” during the ceremony.
Not all the memories are solemn.
Father Bosse’s mother said the sight of her son prostrate in front of the altar on the sanctuary floor “made me cry.”
“Then I saw his cowboy boots, and that made me laugh,” she added.
One of the cathedral’s front pews included Father Bosse’s three siblings — Weylan, Clint and Alena — their spouses, and 10 of their young children, all under the age of 11.
So when Weylan’s wife Jamie was asked for the most memorable moment from Mass, she replied “it was memorable that we were able to keep (the children) under control. There were raisins flying.”
Added Weylan: “Our youngest son kept saying, ‘Good job, Uncle Austin! Good job!”