‘Christmas in the Age of COVID’ is topic of Zoom webinar offered Saturday, Dec. 19

Michaela Ebert
The St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities invites all interested persons to a Zoom presentation “Christmas in the Age of Covid” at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 19.
The featured speaker will be Michaela R. Ebert, an ethicist for Ascension, a Catholic health system headquartered in St. Louis. In a year marked by the sorrows and fears of the COVID-19 crisis, Ebert will explore how we can receive the Christmas message of peace and joy and bring the good news of Jesus’ birth to others.
Her presentation will include a walk through the Nativity in search of lessons to help us find ourselves in the story of Christ’s birth.
Ebert studied theology at the University of Notre Dame, holds a law degree and master’s of public health from the University of Iowa, and a master’s in theology from the Aquinas Institute.
The St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities is a chartered guild of the Catholic Medical Association. While many presentations are geared to the medical community, the Dec. 19 webinar will have general interest.
The link to the Zoom broadcast is found on the guild’s website, stthomasaquinasqc.com.