A Catholic approach to mental health will be explored in series opening Oct. 30

Father Michael Driscoll will present the six-part series at Peoria Notre Dame High School.
“Catholic Sanity: A Catholic Approach to Mental Health” is the theme for a series of six adult education sessions that will be presented by Father Michael Driscoll on Wednesdays, starting Oct. 30. The sessions will be held at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of Peoria Notre Dame High School, 5105 N. Sheridan Road.
Father Driscoll is pastor at St. Mary Church in Utica and serves as chaplain and director of pastoral care at OSF HealthCare Saint Elizabeth Medical Center in Ottawa. He holds a master’s degree in counseling from Bradley University in Peoria and a doctorate in counseling from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
The dates and topics for his presentations are:
- Oct. 30: “Created in the Image of God”;
- Nov. 6: “Banished from the Garden of Eden”;
- Nov. 13: “Mental Disorders: Obsession, Addiction, Emotion”;
- Nov. 20: “The Virtues: Catholic Approach to Mental Health”;
- Dec. 4: “Top 20 Mental Health Tips” and
- Dec. 11: “Demon Attack or Mental Disorder?”
The series is open to the public; no registration is necessary. Those who are interested may come to any or all of the sessions.