Bartonville parish mission Jan. 6-7 will help ‘start your New Year with Jesus’

Al Barbarino
BARTONVILLE — “Start Your New Year with Jesus — A Faith-Filled New Year’s Resolution” is the theme for a parish mission that will be held Sunday, Jan. 6, and Monday, Jan. 7, at St. Anthony Church, 2525 S. Skyway Road. It will be given by lay evangelist Al Barbarino.
Both sessions will begin at 7 p.m. There is no charge to attend, but a free-will offering will be accepted.
An international Catholic speaker and recording artist, Barbarino is a Lay Apostolate Franciscan of the Padre Pio Shelter in New York City. He works as a counselor in New York prisons for youth.
His CDs and video will be available for purchase, with all proceeds used to support the poor and homeless of the St. Padre Pio Shelter and Croatian Relief, an international outreach, as well as those in need in central Illinois.
For more information on the mission, call the parish office at St. Anthony at (309) 697-0645.