As our schools reopen

By the time this newspaper reaches homes, the first day of the new academic year will already be in the books at most Catholic schools in the Diocese of Peoria. It’s a “first day” only for the students. Principals, teachers, and maintenance personnel have been busy making plans and preparations — some since the final bell tolled last spring. Likewise, parents have long anticipated the day by completing paper work, shopping for supplies, budgeting, and setting schedules.

Congratulations to all.

A special congratulations to those schools that are celebrating the completion of major projects as the academic year begins. Among them is St. Bede Academy in Peru, which this Sunday afternoon hosts blessing and dedication ceremonies for its beautiful new Perino Science Center and student commons. And when the students of Blessed Sacrament School in Morton returned on Thursday, they came through a new entrance that is part of an addition that also includes a new school office, commons area, resource room, computer lab, kitchen and gym.

The next issue of The Catholic Post will include coverage of both of those additions.

But whether the school reopenings involve new bricks and mortar, new administration and faculty members, or just new hopes and dreams, they all have involved sacrifice in order to educate in our Faith as well as in academics. It’s been that way since our Catholic school system was founded in the 1800s. It will always be so, and we all have a supportive role to play to make sure our schools are there to educate future generations.

May God bless our Catholic schools and all devoted to them. May God’s protection envelop students in every school, including those leaving home for colleges.

Let the learning begin . . . and never end. — Thomas J. Dermody


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