A year of thanksgiving

A chalice and host are seen in a Thanksgiving display at St. Joseph Church in Lincoln, Neb. The holiday, celebrated Nov. 23, commemorates the Pilgrim’s celebration of a good harvest in 1621. CNS/Cathy Blankenau Bender
What’s not to love about Thanksgiving? Its beauty is its simple, yet profound premise: We need to pause and give thanks, especially to God. And so we gather with family and friends, count our blessings, and re-commit to sharing them.
Our gratitude lists should be long, for there are gifts at every turn, every breath. Here at The Catholic Post, it is our joy to share blessings in every issue. Page through just this one edition and you’ll find dozens of reasons to give thanks.
As a Thanksgiving project, we pored through each issue of the past year to find one blessing to feature. The difficulty was in selecting just one. For the privilege of sharing the stories of God’s action in our diocese, we are deeply grateful.
Thank you, God, for . . .
Dec. 4, 2016 — Bishop Jenky’s teaching on “Choices”
Dec. 18, 2016 — the devotion of our Spanish-speaking Catholics
Jan. 1 — the hope of a new year
Jan. 15 — witnesses to the sanctity of human life
Jan. 29 — our outstanding Catholic schools
Feb. 12 — all who support and read The Catholic Post
Feb. 26 — the “yes” of consecrated women
March 12 — Lent and the beauty of the church calendar
March 26 — the service of the Knights of Columbus
April 9 — 15 years of Bishop Jenky’s leadership
April 23 — the new Catholics of our diocese
May 7 — the inspiration of three ‘pedaling priests’
May 21 — the service of Rosminians and Salesians
June 4 — Father Lee Brokaw and 26 new deacons
June 18 — the catechists in our parishes and schools
July 2 — Jesus’ presence in the Holy Eucharist
July 16 — our religious freedoms
July 30 — Emmaus Days and Totus Tuus
Aug. 13 — the joy inspired by the Holy Spirit
Aug. 27 — wonders of creation, including eclipses
Sept. 10 — generosity shown after disasters
Sept. 24 — the shared blessings of adoption
Oct. 8 — the witness of our long-married couples
Oct. 22 — the love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother
Nov. 5 — the memories of our deceased loved ones
What’s on your list? Take the time to create one this Thanksgiving. — Thomas J. Dermody