Deadline July 19 for online survey seeking feedback on diocesan capital campaign

The Diocese of Peoria continues to gather feedback about a potential capital campaign, but those wishing to review the plans being considered and make their voices heard via an online survey are asked to do so by a deadline of Wednesday, July 19.
“I think people will find this task a valuable use of their time,” said Bill Engelbrecht, diocesan director of advancement. “This is an excellent way for people to gain an understanding of the urgent needs facing our diocese and the plans to address those needs.”
The plans are outlined online at Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has invited all Catholics of the diocese to complete a survey found at that site and provide comments. The password for the survey is: survey.
Potential campaign elements being addressed include:
- Strengthening parishes. Parishes will receive the largest share of funding with the first 30 percent to be used for any purpose they choose. Once the parish goal is attained, 70 percent of all additional dollars will be returned to the parish.
- Investing in schools. The campaign would support teachers and principals through subsidized opportunities for professional development; implementing STEM programs into our diocesan schools; marketing efforts so that future students and communities are aware of the success stories of our students; and ensure emergency funding is available should a school encounter tough financial times.
- Improving access to Catholic education. Through the Spalding Scholarship Endowment, created during the last capital campaign, the diocese is able to meet partial needs of about 700 students throughout the diocese. By increasing the endowment, it is the goal to double this assistance.
- Increasing support for vocations and seminarians. A campaign would build up the St. Therese Seminarian Fund to ensure the education of our priests will be funded through the diocese for the foreseeable future.
- Enhancing and building discipleship, religious education and faith formation within parishes. Through the Office of Evangelization and Faith Formation, the diocese will provide a comprehensive training and faith formation program for the nearly 2,000 volunteer catechists in parishes; provide parishes supplemental stipends for a youth ministry coordinator as well as training for volunteers who work with high school youth; and provide a missionary disciple program at parishes.
- Respond to Catholic Hispanic population increase. The Catholic Hispanic population in our diocese has increased by 81 percent in recent years. The office of Hispanic Ministry will provide outreach in faith development and catechism.
- Food for the marginalized and underserved. Catholic Charities will expand efforts to several areas, especially rural, to provide food and assistance for families that are in need.