Deacon class installed into ministry of acolyte, urged to lives of service
Twenty-four men who are entering their final year of preparation for ordination in the permanent diaconate were installed into the ministry of acolyte by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during a joy-filled Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday, Aug. 20.
But while the bishop led the assembly in robust applause for the class members as they took this important step, he also reminded them that “the story isn’t about us, it’s about the Lord and his people.”
“Jesus did not come into the world to be served, but to serve,” and service is at the heart of the diaconate, said Bishop Jenky. Calling to mind words they will hear during the ordination rite next May, Bishop Jenky told the class members they must always “practice what you preach.”
“We have to live what we say we believe,” said Bishop Jenky before the class members left their places with their wives and families to process into the sanctuary one-by-one. Kneeling before Bishop Jenky, they touched the ciborium containing hosts to be consecrated for the Mass.
As acolytes, the deacon candidates may assist in liturgical celebrations, including distributing Communion when appropriate. As they touched the vessel, Bishop Jenky urged them to “make your life worthy of this service at the table of the Lord and his church.”
The Rite of Institution of Acolyte began with Msgr. Timothy Nolan, episcopal vicar for the permanent diaconate, calling class members by name, who responded by answering “present.” After their acceptance by Bishop Jenky, the class members received the applause from those in the cathedral, including dozens of permanent deacons of the diocese and many of their parish priests who came to show their prayerful support.
Msgr. Paul Showalter, vicar general, was principal celebrant of the Mass. Bishop Jenky presided at the chair, explaining that he had just had cataract surgery, and because of complications he was unable to read and joking “we’re not supposed to make up the words” for the Mass.
“They tell me I’ll be able to see again in a couple of weeks,” said Bishop Jenky, who stayed following the Mass for group as well as individual photos with the members of the deacon class.
The class members instituted into the ministry of acolyte are listed below. The list also includes the names of their wives and parishes.
Robb Caputo (Mary Jean), Holy Family, Oglesby
Robert DePauw (Pamela), St. John the Baptist, Rapids City
Hector Diaz (Maria), Holy Cross, Mendota
Michael Driscoll (Mary), St. Patrick, Ottawa
Michael Evers (Patricia), St. Theresa, Earlville
Michael Harris (Brenda), Blessed Sacrament, Morton
Mark Jackson (Karen), Christ the King, Moline
Joseph Knapp (Jodi), Holy Trinity, Bloomington
John Kusek (Susan), Nativity of Our Lord, Spring Valley
Faustino Lopez (Josepha), St. Mary, Champaign
Guadalupe Lopez (Ramona), St. Malachy, Rantoul
Wendell Lowry III (Brenda), Holy Family, Lincoln
Albert Lundy (Sharon), Holy Trinity, Bloomington
Edmund Mallow Jr. (Catherine), St. Thomas the Apostle, Peoria Heights
Thomas Mann (Linda), Immaculate Conception, Monmouth
Joseph McCleary, Immaculate Conception, Monmouth
Daniel Moffitt (Deborah), Sts. Peter and Paul, Nauvoo
Anthony Nickrent (Michele), Our Lady of the Lake, Mahomet
Daniel O’Connor (Verene), St. Joseph, Peru
Marshall Plumley (Valerie), St. Anthony, Atkinson
Mark Scamp (Margo), St. Joseph, Pekin
Michael Sigwalt (Barbara), St. Malachy, Geneseo
Ronald Wackerlin, St. Joseph, Marseilles
Todd Weber (Kim), St. Patrick, Wapella