Fr. Rayson, Fr. Dittmer appointed new vicars for Champaign and LaSalle

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has named new vicars for the LaSalle and Champaign vicariates.

In Champaign, Father Robert Rayson will succeed Father Joseph Hogan as vicar. Father Rayson has been pastor of St. Matthew Parish in Champaign, as well as St. Boniface, Seymour, since 2012. Father Hogan, who has served as vicar for three years, has been pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Urbana since 2004, adding duties as pastor of St. Mary, Champaign, in 2011.

In LaSalle, Father Antonio Dittmer will succeed Father Robert Spilman as vicar. Father Dittmer has been pastor of the LaSalle Catholic parishes of St. Hyacinth and St. Patrick, as well as rector of Queen of the Holy Rosary Shrine, since 2012. Father Spilman, who has served in Spring Valley since 2004 and as vicar for seven years, is continuing his recovery from a March 17 auto accident. Bishop Jenky has confirmed that he will remain pastor of Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Spring Valley.

The Diocese of Peoria is divided into 12 vicariates, or geographic regions, to assist the bishop in better providing for the pastoral care and unique needs of local faith communities. The Champaign vicariate includes 20 parishes, while the LaSalle vicariate embraces 21 parishes.

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