One-woman holiday comedy coming to St. Bede Dec. 4

PERU — “Christmas Bingo: It’s a Ho-Ho-Holy Night,” a one-woman, interactive comedy by Vicky Quade (creator of “Late Night Catechism”), will be part of an an evening of activities and entertainment hosted by St. Bede Academy on Friday, Dec. 4.

The show involves a parish in need of a Christmas pageant and the bingo game they create. Catholic Christmas humor is dished out as audience members play bingo while also answering questions about Christmas traditions.

The evening begins at 6 p.m. at the St. Bede Refectory. Tickets are $30 each which includes a hors d’oeuvres buffet. There will also be a cash bar with holiday drinks. All proceeds benefit St. Bede Academy.

Reservations and tickets are available by contacting Bonnie Prokup at (815) 250-0342 or

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