Bishop asks all to pray novena for vocations starting Sept. 23

Photo Caption: The novena implores the intercession of St. Therese of Lisieux, who is patroness of vocations for the Diocese of Peoria.

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has encouraged Catholic households throughout the Diocese of Peoria to pray a St. Therese Novena for vocations beginning Sept. 23.

St. Therese of Lisieux is patroness of vocations for our diocese.

The novena consists of a brief daily meditation and prayer schedule to be followed over nine days. The prayers may be downloaded from the diocesan Office of Vocations website,

“Through your gracious intercession, grant our prayers for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese,” reads a general novena prayer to be offered daily. “Beg our Lord to send us laborers who will be true disciples of the Lord, faithful to the service of His Church, the pursuit of holiness, and always eager to place the needs of others before their own.”

Writing in the Sept. 13 issue of The Catholic Post, Father Timothy Hepner — diocesan vocation director of recruitment — said we all have a duty to pray for and promote vocations.

“Christ is calling us as a diocese to be absolutely convinced that there are priestly vocations in the familiar waters of our families and communities,” he writes in a column found on page 21. “We simply have to set out into the deep with Jesus and find them.”

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