Next construction phase begins at St. Jude Parish in Peoria

As classes wind down at St. Jude Catholic School in Peoria, construction is getting started again. If all goes well, students will find additional pre-school and kindergarten classrooms, a music room and library when they return in the fall.

But that’s not all.

Father Patrick Henehan, pastor, said this phase of construction also includes a social hall that will connect the church and school. Completion for this part of the project is anticipated for October or November.

“It connects all the buildings, so it’s one campus,” he said. “By winter . . . when you’re bringing the kids to Mass it’s all under one roof.”

The current social hall accommodates about 80 people at round tables. Father Henehan said the new facility will be able to hold about 200 people at round tables.

“So our parish, as we grow, will have a space that is more in line with our size. To have that is a gift to everybody,” he said.

The construction will add another 21,000 square feet to the parish campus, which grew by 26,000 square feet when the school opened in August 2013.

The success of two capital campaigns in a row demonstrates how dedicated the parishioners are, according to their pastor.

“It’s a pretty exciting and amazing place,” he said. “We aren’t the cause of our growth, I don’t think, but hopefully this building helps us respond to our growth. Everything is booming out there.”

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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