Bishop shares some favorite Bible verses; tell us yours

Photo Caption: “Do whatever he tells you,” Mary’s instructions to the servers at the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:5), is among Bishop Jenky’s “go-to” verses in Scripture. What are your favorite Bible passages?

Many people have “go-to” Scripture passages they turn to for comfort, celebration or simply resting in the presence of God during prayer. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, often uses one of his in homilies: “Do whatever he tells you.”

This passage, taken from John 2:5, is part of the account of the wedding at Cana. When the wine runs short, Mary goes to Jesus and then tells the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” Jesus instructs them to fill six stone jars with water and then take some to the headwaiter. The water had been turned to wine by Jesus and was pronounced the best of all.

Bishop Jenky also cited Psalm 63, verse 2 as a favorite: “O God, you are my God, for you I long; for you my soul is thirsting.” He reads this often as part of the Divine Office for Sunday in Week 1, Lauds (Morning Prayer).

The third passage he draws comfort from is 1 John 4:16. It reminds us that “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him.”


Is there a Bible verse that has special meaning to you?

As part of the focus on the Bible initiated in the Diocese of Peoria by Bishop Jenky’s Festival Letter, we invite readers of The Catholic Post to share their personal favorite passage, along with a brief explanation of why that verse is especially treasured in your life.

Email the verse and explanation to, with “Bible verse” in the subject line. You may also send it by mail to The Catholic Post, PO Box 1722, Peoria, IL 61656, or simply call our newsroom at 1-800-340-5630.

We will feature a favorite passage on the Scripture page of each issue of The Catholic Post during 2014 as another way of embracing Bishop Jenky’s challenge to keep the Word of God always in our hearts and on our lips.

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