
What are relics and why are they important?

Photo Caption: A prayer card is placed on a relic of Blessed John Paul II in Miami on Nov. 5. The church has long upheld the veneration of relics, says Msgr. James E. Kruse. By: By Msgr. James E. Kruse, JCL Editor’s note: In advance of the Diocese of Peoria hosting a first-class relic of […]

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Diocese to host relic of Blessed John Paul II Nov. 18-19

Photo Caption: In what Bishop Jenky terms an “exciting and historic event,” a first class relic of Blessed John Paul II will be coming to Peoria and Normal next month. Catholics in the Diocese of Peoria will have a special way to share the joy of the canonization of Blessed John Paul IImonths before the […]

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Blessed John XXIII, John Paul II to be canonized April 27

By: By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Recognizing that Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II have widespread reputations for holiness and that years of studying their lives and actions have proven their exceptional virtue, Pope Francis announced he would declare his two predecessors saints at a single ceremony April 27. […]

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Bishop proposes a deal at Polka Mass during Oktoberfest

Photo Caption: Terry Bredenberg of St. Joseph Parish in Pekin plays accordion during a Polka Mass celebrated along the Peoria riverfront on Sept. 22 by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, during Oktoberfest 2013. A huge white tent became the “Cathedral of the Riverfront” in Peoria last Sunday as hundreds of people came together for a […]

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Pro-life irony heard in President Obama’s words on Syria crisis

President Obama has been using language familiar to the pro-life movement in rallying support for holding the Syrian government accountable for the use of chemical weapons against its own people. In a statement made in the White House Rose Garden on Aug. 31, the president rightfully called the attack, in which more than 1,000 people […]

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New book tells inspiring story of Bob Cleary; signing Oct. 2

Photo Caption: The cover of “Breaking Through: The Story of Bob Cleary,” the late principal of Bergan High School who overcame obstacles after injuries from an accident left him quadriplegic. By: By Tom Dermody The remarkable story of Bob Cleary — who showed courage, faith, and imagination in overcoming obstacles after an accident left him […]

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Life Chain witnesses scheduled around the diocese Oct. 6

Even though they won’t say a word, people of faith throughout the Diocese of Peoria will call for an end to abortion next Sunday, Oct. 6, through a peaceful, prayerful pro-life witness known as Life Chain. In most communities, men, women and children will come together at 2 p.m. to line the sidewalks of a […]

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National editor to speak at Respect Life Dinner on Oct. 6

Photo Caption: David Andrusko, editor of the National Right to Life News, will be the featured speaker at the Respect Life Dinner in Peoria on Sunday, Oct. 6. David Andrusko, editor of the National Right to Life News, will bring his message of optimism and hope back to Peoria on Sunday, Oct. 6, as the […]

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Couples renew marriage vows at Diocesan Anniversary Mass

By: By Jennifer Willems One could be forgiven for wondering how long Yvonne and Jim Glasch of St. Joseph Parish in Marseilles had been married. It didn’t seem possible that the youthful couple could have celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. “We were 18 and 19 — that’s why we’re on the young side of it,” […]

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