The Year of Faith is a time of grace

Did you sense a change on Thursday, Oct. 11? No, we’re not talking about falling leaves or frost on the pumpkin, but a gust of the wind of the Holy Spirit that we trust blew through the Catholic Church that day.

Thursday was a major celebration for the worldwide church. It marked the beginning of the Year of Faith called for by Pope Benedict XVI, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. That sentence alone reflects so much work of the Holy Spirit.

So why a Year of Faith? Shouldn’t every year be one?

Yes, but our church in her wisdom offers us fresh start after fresh start. Lent and Advent roll around on a yearly basis. And every now and then, the universal and local church devote an entire year to deepen our faith in a particular area. We’ve recently had years of the rosary, the Eucharist, the teachings of St. Paul, etc.

This one is devoted to a new evangelization. And anyone who might question why it is needed in our country should see our story on page 9 that tells of one in every four U.S. citizens now describing themselves as religiously unaffiliated.

We hope the Holy Spirit’s wind reaches into your home and parish and helps you enter into the spirit of this new year. This issue of The Catholic Post offers several opportunities to dive in. — Thomas J. Dermody

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