Bishop Jenky from Rome: Oppose Obama’s HHS mandate revision

Photo Caption: Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and Msgr. Paul Showalter, vicar general of the Diocese of Peoria, are pictured with Pope Benedict XVI during an ad limina audience at the Vatican on Feb. 9.
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC — in Rome last week for his “ad limina” visit with Pope Benedict XVI and various Vatican congregations — expressed full agreement with Catholic bishops across the United States in opposing the Obama administration’s revision to the HHS mandate.
In a statement released late Tuesday, Bishop Jenky urged Catholics and “all who stand for freedom of religion and freedom of conscience” to continue to “vigorously oppose” requirements compelling employers or insurance providers to provide no-cost contraception, sterilization and abortifacient coverage.
Following is the full text of Bishop Jenky’s statement:
“It is morally abhorrent to require a religious organization to fund services that violate our moral beliefs, whether directly or indirectly through health insurers. It is also a violation of our religious liberty to compel any Catholic insurance provider to act against our moral principles.
“Furthermore, it is a grave offense against our fundamental American liberty to compel any citizen to act in violation of his or her conscience. These policies must be vigorously opposed by all who stand for freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.”
In a letter read at all parishes the weekend of Jan. 28-29, Bishop Jenky asked that all Sunday Masses in the diocese include the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel for the freedom of the Catholic Church in America “until these grave issues are favorably resolved.”
Bishop Jenky was in Rome with bishops from Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin for a week of meetings to report on the status of their dioceses. The bishops of Illinois met with Pope Benedict XVI on Feb. 9.
The bishops’ periodic visits are formally called “ad limina apostolorum,” which means “to the thresholds of the apostles” Peter and Paul, who were martyred in Rome. Traditionally, the visits serve as an occasion for leaders of local churches to draw inspiration as well as guidance from the center of Catholicism.
During their visit, the bishops discussed a wide range of pastoral matters with Pope Benedict XVI and Vatican officials.
Travelling with Bishop Jenky was a small contingent from the Diocese of Peoria. Coordinated by Msgr. Stanley Deptula, director of the diocesan Office of Divine Worship and executive director of the Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation, the diocesan group left Monday, Feb. 6, and was scheduled to return Feb. 18.
Making the trip with Bishop Jenky and Msgr. Deptula were Msgr. Paul Showalter and Msgr. James Kruse, vicars general of the Diocese of Peoria, and Patricia Gibson, chancellor, and her daughter.
A full report on their visit will appear in the next issue of The Catholic Post.