Walk for Life, rally Jan. 19 in Peoria to recall abortion victims

Photo Caption: The Rev. R.C. Sproul Jr. will be the featured speaker at the 2012 Sanctity for Human Life Rally following the Walk for Life on Thursday, Jan. 19, in downtown Peoria.
Riverside Community Church, 207 N.E. Monroe St., in Peoria will host the 2012 Sanctity of Human Life Rally on Thursday, Jan. 19. Sponsored by Central Illinois Right to Life, it will begin at 7 p.m.
Pro-life advocates will hear from the Rev. R.C. Sproul Jr., associate professor of apologetics and philosophy at Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies in Orlando, Fla. He is also a teaching fellow with Ligonier Ministries, which was founded by his father, R.C. Sproul.
Before the rally begins, participants are welcome to visit the Family Resources Center at 321 Main St. for an open house from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The annual Walk for Life will start at 6:30 p.m. at the Peoria County Courthouse, which is across the street from the Family Resources Center.
The Walk for Life and Sanctity of Human Life Rally are held each year near the Jan. 22 anniversary of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion at any stage of pregnancy.
In addition to his work with Ligonier Academy, Rev. Sproul is director and teacher for Highlands Ministries in Bristol, Va. He also edits a national magazine called “Every Thought Captive” and has written several books, including “Tearing Down Strongholds,” “Bound for Glory,” “Biblical Economics” and “Believing God.”
He and his wife, Denise, live in Orlando with their eight children.
Rev. Sproul’s books are among the free-loan books, videotapes and DVDs available at the Family Resources Center, an outreach of the Diocese of Peoria’s Respect Life Board. The center is planning Education for Life Week open houses during regular business hours from Monday, Jan. 16, through Saturday, Jan. 21.
For more information, contact the Family Resources Center at (309) 637-1713.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The next issue of The Catholic Post will include other observances of the anniversary that will take place around the Diocese of Peoria.