The High School of Saint Thomas More honors Dr. Davis

Dr. Jack Davis has taught American history at The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign since it was founded and this month the administrators, faculty, students, alumni and supporters let him know how much they value his contributions. Named the recipient of the 2011 Paideia Award, “Dr. D” was honored at the annual Donor Appreciation Brunch.
In addition, the school’s Volunteer Service Award was presented to Mike and Mary Hittmeier “in recognition of their outstanding service and unwavering commitment to The High School of Saint Thomas More.”
Msgr. Albert W. Hallin, president of the STM Pastors’ Board, called Dr. Davis “a man of true faith and a role model for what it means to be Catholic. Dr. Davis is the epitome of professionalism, a leader, teacher, friend, mentor . . . a hero.”
“I get the sense that teaching is not a job for him,” said Father Robert Lampitt, school chaplain, in the tribute video that was shown at the brunch. “It really is a vocation for him. It’s a way to live out his call to holiness, his call to be a saint.”
“I can’t think of a more deserving person for this award,” added Mike Scholz, principal. “You’ve done a tremendous service here and to our family at Saint Thomas More.”
The Paideia Award is given annually to someone who exemplifies the concept of paideia through an active commitment to Catholic education by significant or sustained contributions to the local educational community, and leadership to spreading the Good News of Catholic education.