
Full text of homily from funeral for Msgr. Joseph Zube

Following is the full text of the homily at the April 20 funeral Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria for Msgr. Joseph Zube. A longtime official with the Diocese of Peoria’s Marriage Tribunal, Msgr. Zube, 85, died April 15, 2011, at his West Peoria residence. The full obituary appears elsewhere on The Catholic Post’s […]

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Catholic Charities responds on religious freedom, civil unions

By: By Tom Dermody Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria will continue to seek religious freedom protections for its adoption and foster care programs after an amendment clarifying the rights of faith-based human service agencies in relation to Illinois’ new civil union law failed to make it out of a Senate committee. “We believe […]

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Msgr. Zube remembered at funeral for faithfulness, honor

A funeral Mass was offered at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Wednesday, April 20, for Msgr. Joseph A. Zube, 85, who served the Diocese of Peoria’s Marriage Tribunal for more than five decades. Msgr. Zube, who was also a former pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Camp Grove and St. Monica’s Parish in East […]

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Slideshow of Stations uses meditations by Bishop Jenky

To assist Catholics of the diocese in their Holy Week journey, we offer this video reflection on the Stations of the Cross using meditations written by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. The 10-minute video features images of Stations from churches throughout the Diocese of Peoria. It was produced by The Catholic Post and is narrated […]

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Pope earmarks Holy Thursday collection for Japan relief

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI has decided the collection taken up at his Holy Thursday evening Mass will be used to help those affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in northeast Japan. The March 11 disaster left more than 13,000 people dead and another 13,700 unaccounted for. More than 150,000 were made […]

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Defunding Planned Parenthood not a hard budget choice

WASHINGTON (CNS) — At a time when federal budget decisions “involve hard choices and much shared sacrifice,” a decision on whether to fund the Planned Parenthood Federation of America “is not one of those hard choices,” the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities told members of Congress. Calling the federation “by far […]

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Archbishop to cohabitating couples: Stop ‘living in sin’

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (CNS) — The archbishop of Santa Fe in a pastoral letter admonished unmarried Catholic couples who are living together, those who are not married but are in a civil union and divorced Catholics who remarry without an annulment, warning them not to receive Holy Communion. Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan said it was up […]

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Planning to go to World Youth Day? Let ‘Post’ know!

Do you know of a group or individuals from the Diocese of Peoria planning to travel to Madrid for World Youth Day in August? The Catholic Post is planning a round-up story for a future issue. Contact our newsroom at 1-800-340-5630, or e-mail World Youth Day was instituted by Pope John Paul II in […]

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