St. Vincent’s School, Peoria, receives Blue Ribbon Award

Representatives from St. Vincent de Paul Grade School in Peoria have returned from ceremonies in Washington, D.C., where the school was recognized at the National Blue Ribbon Awards ceremony.

Attending were Msgr. Jason Gray, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, and three teachers: Sarah Hogan, 3rd grade; Froncie Clubb, 3rd grade; and Jenn Huss, Technology Teacher. All three teachers were instrumental in preparing the successful Blue Ribbon application.

Msgr. Gray accepted a plaque from Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, during ceremonies on Tuesday, Nov. 16. (Editor’s note: Photos from the celebration and further information is available at

The Blue Ribbon Award recognizes schools in the U.S. that have consistently demonstrated academic success. Schools must test in the 90th percentile on a nationally normed test for at least three years. St. Vincent de Paul has tested in the 90th percentile for five years.

St. Vincent’s is one of only 50 private schools and 254 public schools nationwide to receive the honor in 2010. It is believed to be the first time since the awards program began in 1982 that a Catholic school of the Diocese of Peoria has achieved this national recognition.

A local ceremony to recognize the achievement will take place in Peoria on Monday, Nov. 29.

The Peoria celebration begins with a 9:15 a.m. school Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Church, 6001 N. University. Following the Mass, a school assembly will take place in the school’s Livingston Gymnasium. During the assembly, set to begin at 10:15 a.m., Tim Tuten — special assistant director of special projects for the U.S. Department of Education, will confer the award. Accepting on behalf of the school will be Msgr. Gray and Dr. James Minick, principal.

Following the assembly, guests are invited to walk through the school to a reception in the parish hall. The public is invited to the Mass, assembly, and reception.

Among the guests at the local celebration will be U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. A former Catholic school teacher in Peoria who has grandchildren enrolled at St. Vincent’s, Secretary LaHood is expected to speak during the ceremony.

Secretary LaHood met with the Peoria group during their visit to Washington, D.C., as did U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, who delivered a declaration from the U.S. House of Representatives honoring St. Vincent de Paul School on the achievement.

Msgr. Gray said St. Vincent de Paul School received the Blue Ribbon Award because it has demonstrated a pattern of excellence in the education and formation of young people.

He gave special credit to Michael Birdoes, who served as principal from 2001-2010 and is now principal of Blessed Sacrament Grade School, Morton. Birdoes was principal when St. Vincent’s applied for Blue Ribbon status.

“We are a Blue Ribbon School because of the consistent years of hard work by Mr. Birdoes over his nine years at St. Vincent,” said Msgr. Gray, who also praised parents and parishioners for their support of the school and its efforts.

The school listed several strengths in the Blue Ribbon application, including that:

— St. Vincent’s welcomes all students and provides a vibrant Catholic environment to teach strong moral values

— St. Vincent’s establishes students as effective leaders with a positive and moral impact on the community

— Teachers use a variety of innovative instructional methods, drawing upon modern technology in the classroom

— Extracurricular activities supplement the academic program. Among the extracurricular activities is the spring musical, a new addition since a new gymnasium with a stage was built in 2008.

— St. Vincent’s also has a strong athletic program. The 7th grade boys and 8th grade girls took the state title in their division in the 2009-2010 school year.

A recent renovation and expansion allows St. Vincent de Paul School to provide the facilities to meet a variety of program needs. The $6 million project was completed in 2008, refitting existing classrooms with air conditioning and energy efficient improvements. The new construction provided a gym with regulation basketball and volleyball courts, a stage, and a music room.

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