Widowed, divorced can find comfort, healing in faith

Those who are grieving the loss of a spouse through death or divorce can take comfort through the knowledge that God reigns both in this world and the next, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, said Oct. 3.

“Faith in God can finally comfort and heal even the searing pain of separation,” said the bishop in his homily at the diocesan Mass for the Widowed and Divorced at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria.

Only a relationship with God puts all other relationships into a realistic perspective, he said. The good news of the Gospel encourages fresh starts and “new opportunities for love and for service.”

“Faith acknowledges that only God is God,” continued Bishop Jenky, “and so delivers us from placing divine expectations upon mortal and fallible human beings.” Faith also reminds us our existence is always a gift from God and that “we do not own even our own lives, much less the lives of our nearest and dearest.”

The Mass and reception that followed at the Spalding Pastoral Center were coordinated by the Widowed and Divorced Diocesan Advisory Board, which meets monthly in order to give oversight and to implement diocesan outreach. Members of the board filled liturgical roles including lectors and gift bearers.

Bishop Jenky visited with attendees at the reception, where the newly produced 11-minute video of his “Message to the Divorced” was shown.
The video, which also includes comments and questions for individuals on their experiences of divorce and annulment, can be viewed online by clicking on the “YouTube” link on either the diocesan Web site, www.cdop.org, or at www . thecatholicpost.com.

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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