Bus trips offered to join bishop at 2011 March for Life

Traveling to Washington, D.C., for the March for Life in January just got a little easier.

At the request of Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, diocesan-sponsored travel options are being offered to those who wish to join him in Washington on Jan. 24, 2011, to pray, rally and march together. Also in development are a diocesan Mass with the bishop while there and a gathering site for the rally and march.

The planning grew out of Bishop Jenky’s experience at the 2010 March for Life. Attending the event with numerous other pro-life pilgrims from the Diocese of Peoria, he was energized and moved by the profound witness for life he witnessed. Upon his return to Peoria, he asked his staff to facilitate arrangements for the 2011 March for Life.

After surveying the groups that participated last January, staff members prepared two diocesan-sponsored travel options:

— Option A: Peoria Charter Coach, one day in Washington, D.C., traveling there and back during the night on the bus. The cost is $205 per person.
The itinerary includes leaving Peoria on Sunday, Jan. 23, at 1 p.m. and being back in Peoria on Tuesday, Jan. 25, at 10 a.m. The group will travel with a diocesan staff person and other pro-life pilgrims from the diocese.
One benefit of this option is that the charter bus is direct. It also involves the shortest time commitment.

— Option B: Peoria Charter Coach, two days in Washington, D.C., with one night in the nation’s capital and a guided tour. The cost per person is: single, $370; double, $330; triple, $310; quad, $200.

The charter bus is direct, with the group leaving Peoria on Sunday, Jan. 23, at 1 p.m., and arriving back in Peoria on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at 10 a.m. In addition to traveling with a diocesan staff person and fellow pro-life pilgrims, highlights include a one-night stay at a hotel in the Washington, D.C., area, a full hot breakfast, guided tours of the Holocaust Museum, Lincoln Memorial, and the new Capitol Visitor Center, and having bus transportation while in the nation’s capital.

Bishop Jenky has asked that this information also be sent to schools, Newman Centers and pro-life leaders throughout the Diocese of Peoria.

The registration deadline for the diocesan-sponsored buses is Monday, Nov. 1. Reservation forms may be downloaded from the diocesan Web site at www.cdop.org.

Information is also available by calling the Office of Family Life at (309) 671-1550 or by sending e-mail to tlahood@cdop.org.

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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