Post Poll: Complete the sentence ‘I have hope because?’

Help us to fill a future issue of The Catholic Post with hope.

On his recent visit to Portugal, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized evangelization, urging Catholics to “bear witness to all of the joy that (Christ’s) strong yet gentle presence evokes.” Further, every Christian should be capable of “rendering account to all and at all times of the hope that inspires him.”

So we’re inviting our readers to render. And in doing so, evangelize.

In 101 words or less, complete this sentence: “I have hope because?”

Tell us what — or who — inspires your faith-based hope, and why. Share your joy. We’ll publish as many as we can print, and utilize our Web site if we’re overrun with responses. (That’s our hope.)

Send your messages of hope by e-mail to, with “Post Poll” in the subject line. Include your name and parish. They can also be sent by FAX to (309) 671-1579 or by mail to “Post Poll,” c/o The Catholic Post, PO Box 1722, Peoria, IL, 61656.


From Sandra Post, St. Anthony’s Parish, Bartonville:
“I have hope because . . . I am inspired by my 4-year-old granddaughters as I watch them discover the awareness of God and how such awareness leads to gratitude and generosity. Emma asked if she could share money from her piggy bank with children in Haiti, and Lili thanks God daily ‘for all my blessings.’ Their gratitude is not diminished by what’s not right with this world. My hope is rejuvenated as I see daily evidence of people’s kindness. Hope helps us never to give up because the world isn’t perfect, but to do our part to make it better.”

From Marianne Skinner, Normal:
“I have hope because Our Lord Jesus always keeps His promises. “Eye has not seen,…Ear has not heard,..what God has ready for those who love Him.”

From Mary Monical, St. Mary’s Parish, Pontiac:
“I have hope because I ask God to schedule my day, and He does! He helps me follow the schedule. He carries me through the tough times. If I tell him I think it will be a difficult day, He makes it easy. He tucks in little tasks I didn’t plan for and gives me joy in doing them. He gives me opportunities to learn patience, perseverance, and other virtues. He gives me friends and no known enemies. He makes my life fun, surprising me with unexpected blessings. He makes me realize, especially in daily communion, that I am experiencing a foretaste of heaven.”

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