Bishop Jenky’s Easter Message: Proclaim Christ’s victory

April 4, 2010

“God our Father, by raising Christ your son you conquered the power of death and opened for us the way to eternal life. Let our celebration today raise us up and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.”
— from the Collect for Easter Sunday

My dear friends in Christ,

It is with these words that we joyfully announce the rising of Our Lord on Easter Morning. For 40 days we have confronted the challenges to our faith. We have delved more deeply into the Mystery of the Cross, a mystery that is revealed to us on this Day of Resurrection. Death has no more power over us. Alleluia!

It is my prayer that together we proclaim the truth of Christ’s victory over sin and death to the entire world. It is my prayer that our words and our deeds be driven by the spirit of Easter glory and that we allow the joy of Christ’s rising to shape us more in His image and example.

May God’s abundant blessing be with you all in this joyous season.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC
Bishop of Peoria

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