
Stewardship award honors longtime parish volunteer

Her photo may not appear next to the definition of the word “stewardship” in the dictionary, but ask anyone at St. Mark’s Parish in Peoria what it looks like and they’ll point to Angela Kenny. They made certain she knew how much they appreciated her efforts on their behalf by establishing a stewardship award and […]

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Bishop Jenky to celebrate Mass at Irish festival Sunday

BISHOP Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will be principal celebrant and homilist at a 10:30 a.m. Mass this Sunday, Aug. 30, on the grounds of the Erin Feis Irish festival on the Peoria riverfront. The Mass, promoted as a liturgy for peace and justice, will be offered beneath the North Stage tent. Persons donating a non-perishable […]

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Luminary lighting, events Sept. 12 benefit OSF Hospice

OSF HOSPICE will benefit from Lumin-Essence, which is planned for Saturday, Sept. 12, from 6 to 11 p.m. at WeaverRidge Golf Club in Peoria. The event will feature a luminary lighting ceremony to honor the memory of those who have been served by the hospice, which is part of OSF Home Care Services, or loved […]

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Listening actively

By: By Father Douglas Grandon Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aug. 30 Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-8; Psalm 15:2-3,3-4,4-5; James 1:17-18,21b-22,27; Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 AS A TEENAGER, I often prayed late in the evening on a secluded bluff overlooking the Rock River in glorious Sinnissippi Park, outside Sterling. The moon and the stars would shine brightly and reflect magically […]

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‘Safe Haven’ dispute in Champaign spotlights homeless

CHAMPAIGN — Ron doesn’t hesitate when asked what he wants people to know about homelessness in this bustling college community. “We’re people, just like you,” he says simply. “Look in the mirror.” Ron, 53, hasn’t always been accorded that dignity during his days, weeks and months on the streets, but there are still some who […]

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Favorite hymn at Danville parish? It’s a tie!

DANVILLE — Making a “joyful noise” to the Lord has been a vital part of worship since ancient times. After all, the Psalms were written as hymns of praise to God. To make that joy and participation as full as possible during liturgies at St. Paul’s Church, music director Jonathon Myers decided to poll parishioners […]

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All altar servers in diocese invited to cathedral Mass Sept. 20

All altar servers in the Diocese of Peoria are invited to join Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and others at St. Mary’s Cathedral for a 10:30 a.m. Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, Sept. 20, celebrating both the universal “Year for Priests” and the 90th anniversary of the ordination of Fulton J. Sheen as a priest […]

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Mass marks 100 years of OSF Saint Mary Medical Center, Galesburg

GALESBURG — By tending to the sick and needy “the way we would tend to Jesus Christ himself,” OSF St. Mary Medical Center here “represents our faith at its best,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, said Tuesday at a Mass capping the institution’s yearlong centennial celebration. The bishop, principal celebrant of the 100th Anniversary Mass […]

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Philo the hub of ‘Extreme Makeover’ generosity

Photo Caption: Msgr. James Ramer celebrates Mass at the construction site. By: By Jennifer Willems PHILO — Need doesn’t make an appointment. It usually comes on fast and strong and requires immediate attention. As students returned to St. Thomas School in Philo, and Holy Trinity School and Central Catholic High School in Bloomington last week, […]

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New U.S. ambassador to Vatican sworn in

WASHINGTON (CNS) — With a roomful of theologians, college professors and presidents, political activists, leaders of various church organizations, and family and longtime friends looking on, Catholic theologian Miguel Diaz was sworn in as ambassador to the Vatican Aug. 21. In a brief, invitation-only ceremony in the ornate Benjamin Franklin room at the State Department, […]

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