
Offer fall course for those interested in parish nursing

The Parish Nurse Program at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria is offering a course this fall for registered nurses who are interested in serving as parish nurses. The “Basic Parish Nurse Preparation Course” will meet during two weekends, Sept. 25-27 and Oct. 9-11, at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, 530 N.E. Glen Oak […]

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SPEC retreat, Mass set Sept. 5 in Peoria

Praise the Lord My Soul will be the theme of a retreat planned by the Peoria Special Persons Encounter Christ Board for Saturday, Sept. 5, in the parish hall of St. Ann’s Church, 1010 S. Louisa St., Peoria. All are welcome to take part in the afternoon, which is designed to give those with developmental […]

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Still room at diocesan event

Space remains for persons wishing to attend the Widowed and Divorced Diocesan Day of Recollection on Sunday, Aug. 8, at St. Mary of Lourdes Church in rural Metamora. The day’s program begins at 10 a.m. and concludes with Mass at 4 p.m. The featured speaker will be Archabbot Lambert Reilly, OSB. The cost is $25, […]

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Blessings set in Raritan for new sculpture, fields

RARITAN — Surrounded by tall stalks of corn and signs of faith in all directions, a new sculpture of St. Isidore and his wife, St. Maria, looks right at home on the grounds of St. Patrick’s Church here. The patron saints of agriculture, Isidore and Maria are reminders of what prayer and hard work can […]

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300 show heart for service in Champaign

Photo Caption: Brant Hartman of Goshen, Ind., helped repaint the Restoration Urban Ministries buildings in Champaign during a Catholic HEART Workcamp held July 19-24. CHAMPAIGN — “Wonderful.” “God-given.” “I’m so thankful to God.” With those and similar words, Bruce Warner Sr. expressed his joy and gratitude for the repairs, maintenance and improvements to his Urbana […]

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Former home to diocesan offices, convent razed

A piece of Catholic history became a memory this week with the razing of the former Sheen Pastoral Center in Peoria, built as a convent in 1958 and adapted for use as headquarters for many central offices of the Diocese of Peoria from 1985 to late 2008. The space will be utilized for guest parking […]

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Diocesan Respect Life office merges into Family Life

Two diocesan offices tasked with fostering the culture of life are now operating as one. Effective July 1, the Office of Family Life assumed the responsibilities previously handled by the Office of Respect Life and Human Dignity. The change was announced by Patricia Gibson, chancellor of the Diocese of Peoria, on July 14. In her […]

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Offer prayers for Hennepin steel workers, plant

HENNEPIN — To seek help for the 200 steel workers who have been laid off from the ArcelorMittal Hennepin facility in recent months, church and community leaders went right to the top — and it wasn’t the CEO of the multinational corporation. “Our purpose here today is to ask for the divine assistance upon all […]

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350 refuel with Holy Spirit ‘tuneup’

More than 350 people got a “tuneup on the Holy Spirit” at the Diocese of Peoria’s 23rd annual Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference last weekend in Peoria. The image of traveling through life accompanied by Jesus and fueled by the Holy Spirit was driven home by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and other speakers exploring the […]

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Diocese hosts national TEC leaders

Today’s generation of young Catholics is a bountiful harvest of souls that Christ has prepared for the church — all that is needed are laborers filled with faith and joy to bring in the harvest. About 120 adult leaders of Teens Encounter Christ came from across the United States and internationally to the Diocese of […]

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