New Catholic Charities location for Lincoln branch is blessed

LINCOLN — With a formal ribbon cutting and a blessing last Thursday, a new era began for the Lincoln branch office of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria at newer and more spacious office facilities at 2110 W. Fifth St.

In past years, Catholic Charities operated out of a former residence located at 310 S. Logan St., next to Holy Family Church and owned by the parish. Confronted with space issues as well as maintenance and utility costs associated with a building more than 100 years old, the Lincoln branch office searched for a new home.

“It’s all on one floor, and it is bigger,” said Scott Longanecker, Lincoln branch office service coordinator, of the new location. “The square footage is organized so we can use the space more effectively.

“Here everything has been updated,” he continued, “and we have all the data systems installed. Communication with staff is much easier. We’ve actually expanded staff-wise since we moved in February.”

Following the ribbon cutting ceremony, Father Jeffrey Laible, pastor of Holy Family Parish, led the gathering in a blessing service. The office then hosted a reception and led visitors on office tours.

Presiding at the ribbon cutting was Andi Hake, executive director of the Lincoln-Logan County Chamber of Commerce, and Don Peasley, chairman of the Chamber’s Ambassadors Committee. Bethany Edgecomb, site supervisor for the Lincoln branch office, held one end of the ribbon while Longanecker wielded a large, wooden pair of scissors.

“The services (Catholic Charities) offers in our community are very valuable,” Hake told The Catholic Post. “With the economic troubles in our state and the state budget being cut for social services, the work they do is even more important.”

The services available through the Lincoln branch office are child care, adoption, foster care, community organizing, family preservation, and family counseling and behavioral health. For more information, call (217) 732-3771.

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