First communicants get an assignment

Children should respect their parents, but there is one time when Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, says it’s OK for them to be disagreeable.

“I give you authority to put your foot down and throw a tantrum if your parents don’t take you to Sunday Mass,” Bishop Jenky told the hundreds of children who came to the annual Diocesan Mass for First Communicants last Saturday afternoon at St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Calling going to Mass and receiving the Eucharist “your right as Catholics,” the bishop delivered his homily from the sanctuary steps before a sea of boys dressed in suits and ties and girls wearing white dresses and veils.

It was the fifth consecutive year the bishop has celebrated a special Mass with children of the diocese who have recently received their first Communion. Thirteen first communicants from across the diocese were selected to serve as lectors, petition readers, gift-bearers and altar servers.

Though school is out for the summer, Catholics still have a “homework” assignment to complete, the bishop said.

“The best proof of Jesus Christ and his truth are Christians whose lives witness to his teachings,” said Bishop Jenky. The commandment to preach the Gospel is for all Catholics.

“You first communicants have a special role to help the church” by imitating Jesus Christ, the bishop said.

After the Mass, Bishop Jenky returned to the sanctuary for photos with the first communicants and their families. Each first communicant also received a medal that had been blessed by Pope Benedict XVI, as well as a holy card specially printed for the occasion with the prayer, “Body of Christ, true Bread of Life, stay always in my heart.”

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