K. of C. hosting major bowling event in Peoria

Nearly 1,000 bowlers from throughout the United States and Canada will make their way to Peoria March 28 through April 26 to take part in a Knights of Columbus International Bowling Association tournament.

Spalding Council 427 of Peoria is gearing up to host the major event, led by tournament chairman John W. Kunkle, who knows a thing or two about the Knights’ annual tournament.

He’s bowled in it for 43 consecutive years.

“We’ve got room for a lot of teams,” said Kunkle, a Brimfield resident who serves on the Board of Directors of the Knights’ International Bowling Association.

He expects 200 bowlers for each weekend of the 84th Annual Central Division Tournament, a handicap/scratch event open to bowlers of all experience levels. The tournament welcomes both men and women, and has recently been opened to those who are not members of the Knights of Columbus or Knights of Columbus Ladies. Each five person team, however, must have at least three member bowlers, and each doubles team must have at least one.

Teams will bowl on Saturdays at 1 p.m., while singles and doubles will roll on Sundays. Invited guests may take part in the singles tournament. There will be no bowling on Easter weekend, April 11-12.

Kunkle said as many as 160 teams are expected, and he hopes to have strong representation from central Illinois councils. The registration deadline is March 21.

The Ramada Inn at 4400 Brandywine in Peoria, phone (309) 686-8000, is the host hotel, and bowlers are also welcomed at the nearby Red Roof Inn or Super 8.

Entry fees are $100 per team; doubles/singles $20 per bowler, per event.; and $2 for the all events category. Entry forms are available from the Spalding Council, (309) 692-9696, or may be downloaded from the Web site www.intlkofcbowling.org.

Opening ceremonies for the tournament will take place at Landmark at noon on Saturday, March 28. Mayor Jim Ardis of Peoria will be present as will many Knights of Columbus dignitaries.

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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