Vatican’s U.N. nuncio argues for greater protection of human rights

UNITED NATIONS (CNS) — Human rights are best protected through disarmament and weapons nonproliferation, argued Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the Vatican’s apostolic nuncio to the United Nations. “As the human person is the ultimate aim of all public policies, arms regulation, disarmament and nonproliferation must have an interdisciplinary or, more importantly, a human approach,” Archbishop Migliore said in an Oct. 7 address to the U.N.’s General Assembly. Archbishop Migliore put his remarks in the context of the 60th anniversary in December of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “This event invites us to a renewed commitment to disarmament, development and peace,” he said. “All states are called upon to promote disarmament and nonproliferation as key elements for an international order in which the fundamental rights and freedoms of every person can be fully realized.”

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