
Public praise, adoration offered at Corpus Christi processions in diocese

Priests from the Peoria and Pekin vicariates, including Father Patrick Henehan carrying the Blessed Sacrament beneath a canopy, leard 150 participants in a Corpus Christi procession across the grounds of the motherhouse of The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis in East Peoria on June 18. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Hundreds of Catholics in the Diocese of Peoria joined in public demonstrations of their love for Jesus in the Eucharist during several Corpus Christi processions hosted by parishes and institutions on June 18, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This year, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, gave enhanced significance to […]

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Daughter captures prizewinning image of mother, 103, with visitor Sr. Norberta

No words are necessary to recognize the bond between Sister Norberta Piekos and Anna Pomatto, 103, a resident of Aperion Care Spring Valley. This photo, taken by Anna's daughter, Ann, won first prize in the "People, Events, and Everyday Life" category of a photo contest sponsored by Spring Valley Boosters. (Provided photo/Ann Pomatto)

SPRING VALLEY — When Sister Norberta Piekos visited nursing home resident Anna Pomatto a few days after her 103rd birthday, Mrs. Pomatto’s daughter, Ann, thought to ask the pastoral care worker from the LaSalle Catholic Parishes to pose with her for a selfie. “Sister comes and visits very faithfully,” recalled Ann. But Sister Norberta had […]

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800 seek the truth at Summer Institute with the goal of sharing it with others

When Jennifer Fulwiler was in the fourth grade, she went into a book store and moved all the Bibles to the fiction section, thinking it was the ultimate prank on people who should know better. Little did she know then that the Good Book would become one of the most important books in her life […]

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‘A big deal’: Diocese hosts a second celebration for First Communicants

Ivany Cisneros of St. Mary Cathedral Parish in Peoria poses for a photo taken by her mother, Maria, outside the cathedral following the June 10 Diocesan Mass for First Communicants. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

While there is only one “first,” the Diocese of Peoria considers a child’s first holy Communion important enough for a second celebration — this time with the diocesan family. And even the Diocesan Mass for First Communicants, celebrated last Saturday by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, and during which the children once again donned their […]

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Sadness in Princeton with announcement that St. Louis School will close July 31

St. Louis School in Princeton opened in 1964 and was first served by the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation. Only about 40 students were anticipated for next school year in kindergarten through eighth grade. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PRINCETON — Due to declining enrollment and a shrinking pool of school-age children in the area, St. Louis School will close July 31. Father Jeffrey Stirniman, pastor, made the announcement at meetings with the teachers and staff, and then the school parents on June 12. Saying this is one of the most difficult things a […]

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Diocese of Peoria ‘blessed with joy’ as Father Lee Brokaw is ordained, assigned

Newly ordained Father Lee Brokaw poses with Bishop Jenky for the traditional photo on the steps of the Bishop's Home after the Mass of Ordination. Also pictured are, from left, Father Timothy Hepner, vocations director for recruitment; Msgr. James Kruse, vicar general; Abbot Philip Davey, OSB, of St. Bede Abbey; Msgr. Paul Showalter, vicar general; and Father Patrick Henehan, vocation director of formation. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Proclaiming the Diocese of Peoria “blessed with joy,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, ordained Father Lee W. Brokaw to the priesthood in ancient rites witnessed by a standing-room-only crowd during a Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Saturday, May 27. In an instruction during the Rite of Ordination, Bishop Jenky urged Father Brokaw […]

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Meet the valedictorians, salutatorians of our diocese’s Catholic high schools

ALLEMAN HIGH SCHOOL, ROCK ISLAND Lucy Adlfinger / Valedictorian Parents: Matt and Doreen Adlfinger Town: Milan Parish:St. Pius X, Rock Island College Choice: Saint Louis University Anticipated major: Health Sciences High school activities: National Honor Society, Key Club, Pathfinders, Habitat for Humanity, ICTM, WYSE Catholic school advantages: Whether it was through praying the rosary in the […]

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‘Sewing for Jesus’ binds Jordan Catholic, Rock Island, with school in Tanzania

Ann McConachie of the Amka Afrika School Foundation talks to members of Sewing for Jesus, a club at Jordan Catholic School in Rock Island, about the Tanzanian children and school they are assisting. The retired teacher took the sundresses the Jordan students made to the East African nation May 23 and will remain until Aug. 9. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

ROCK ISLAND — Beating the heat is something the children of Amka Afrika School in Babati, Tanzania, work at most of the year. They will have help soon, however, thanks to the children of Jordan Catholic School and Sewing for Jesus. The club, started last September by fourth grade teacher Debbie Patronagio, taught the students […]

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Awards bestowed as Mass, luncheon with principals closes school year in diocese

Among those recognized by the Office of Catholic Schools at its year-end Mass and luncheon with principals were, from left: Krista Hinkley of The High School of Saint Thomas More, Distinguished Teacher; Anita Kobilsek of Holy Cross School in Mendota, Distinguished Principal; Father William Miller of Costa Catholic Academy in Galesburg, Distinguished Pastor, and Sally Martin of St. Mary School in Kickapoo, Distinguished Teacher. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Encouraging the principals of Catholic schools around the Diocese of Peoria to savor every moment of their summer vacation, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, said he looked forward to seeing them rested and “all charged up” in the fall. At the Mass marking the end of the school year, which was held in the Our […]

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Lopez brothers supported one another on their journey to be permanent deacons

Standing on either side of Bishop Jenky are Deacon Guadalupe I. Lopez (left) and his brother, Deacon Faustino Lopez. Joinging them in the sanctuary of St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria after their ordination as permanent deacons on May 20 are their extended families. They are believed to be the first brothers ordained to the diaconate in the same class for the Diocese of Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Long involved in their parishes, it was no surprise that God called Guadalupe I. Lopez and his younger brother Faustino Lopez to be permanent deacons. The surprise came when they went to the first information session sponsored by the Diocese of Peoria and found each other there. “Neither of us knew the other was going […]

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