How do you give back — as an individual, family or parish — as Christmas nears?

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, can Advent and Christmas be far behind?
The Catholic Post has started collecting stories about how you’ll be celebrating this year — particularly, how you’ll be giving back as an individual, family, organization or parish. Do you have a tradition of serving at a food pantry, collecting clothes or food items, or adopting a family? How does this make your holidays complete?
As in past years, we also welcome your Christmas memories, and stories about your favorite Christmas hymn, special Nativity, family recipe, or someone who embodies the spirit of Christmas and the Christ Child.
Please send items as soon as possible by email to or by mail to Christmas Greetings, The Catholic Post, P.O. Box 1722, Peoria, IL 61654. Be sure to include your name, phone number and email address, as well as your parish.
The deadline is Nov. 27.