
Sacred ground

Visits to Catholic cemeteries in Raritan and Galesburg last week reaffirmed for me the sacred and invaluable nature of these resting places for our beloved dead found throughout our diocese. St. Patrick Cemetery in Raritan is located right next to the rural church. Walking through it with Deacon Lee Brokaw, who will be ordained a […]

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The life and resurrection of Jesus give eternal significance to our life

Tim Irwin

By Tim Irwin Sixth Sunday of Easter/May 21 Acts 8:5-8,14-17; Psalm 66:1-3,4-5,6-7,16,20; 1 Peter 3:15-18; John 14:15-21 This week’s readings highlight the church’s desire to help us experience the mystery of the Risen Christ, so that we might authentically live the Holy Faith. The resurrection of Jesus transcends our experiences. Everyone I know who has died […]

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“King Arthur: Legend of the Sword” (Warner Bros.)

Charlie Hunnman stars in a scene from the movie "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/Warner Bros.)

By Catholic News Service Ponderous action fantasy in which, once grown, the monarch of the title (Charlie Hunnam) who was dispossessed of his rights as a child and raised as a brawling street urchin by the inhabitants of a London brothel, uses Excalibur to battle the evil uncle (Jude Law) who long ago usurped his […]

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“Snatched” (Fox)

Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn star in a scene from the movie "Snatched." The Catholic News Service classification is L -- limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. (CNS/Fox)

By Catholic News Service This mother-daughter comedy, directed by Jonathan Levine, has a kernel of goodness at its heart. But the minority of grown viewers for whom it’s acceptable will have to wade through a veritable cesspool of bad taste to approach it. A self-centered young woman (Amy Schumer) is dumped by her boyfriend (Randall […]

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“The Dinner” (The Orchard)

Richard Gere stars in a scene from the movie "The Dinner." The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. (CNS/The Orchard)

By Catholic News Service This trenchant morality tale about the nature of evil and mankind’s savage underpinnings turns out to be as infuriatingly dense and labyrinthine as Dutch author Herman Koch’s 2009 novel. Director Oren Moverman, who co-wrote the screenplay with Koch, has Americanized the settings. But he has kept intact the central conflict between […]

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The 15 stops along the way

"The overwhelming support we had from each and every place we went, the joy that each place had and the excitement that they maintained really invigorated me and gave me an incredible hope for our diocese," said Father Adam Cesarek, seen with the trio at St. Mark School in Peoria. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

Father Michael Pica, Father Adam Cesarek and Father Tom Otto scheduled 15 stops as they rode their bicycles across the Diocese of Peoria to raise prayers for and awareness of vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life and good, holy marriages, “from which all vocations come.” At the schools they shared their vocation stories, told the […]

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Four other clergy joined trio of ‘pedaling priests’ for parts of 340-mile ride

Father David Sabel, right, rode with the pedaling priests for 22 miles on their way into Pontiac. He poses with them prior to a parade in Pontiac with Catholic school students from St. Mary, Pontiac, and St. Paul, Odell. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

PONTIAC — Students from St. Mary School in Pontiac and St. Paul School in Odell had an extra reason to cheer when the “Priests Pedaling for Prayers” rode into the parking lot of County Market here on April 26. With Father Adam Cesarek, their parochial vicar, and his companions, Father Michael Pica and Father Tom […]

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‘Why we’re doing this’ — Father Pica explains ‘Priests Pedaling for Prayers’ ride

While they avoided stormy weather for much of their journey, the pedaling priests encountered rain as they rode the last four miles to the Indiana state line. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is an excerpt from the homily given by Father Michael Pica at Holy Cross Church in Champaign on Friday, April 28, the final day of “Priests Pedaling for Prayers.” In it, he explained to the students of Holy Cross School why he was riding across the Diocese of Peoria with Father Adam […]

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Priests complete ‘incredible’ ride across diocese to inspire prayers for vocations

After riding a little more than 340 miles over five days, Father Michael Pica, Father Adam Cesarek and Father Tom Otto stand just inside Indiana on April 28, bringing “Priests Pedaling for Prayers” to a close. Behind them is one of the support vehicles that accompanied them on the joureny to raise prayers for and awareness of vocations. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

After riding their bicycles a little more than 340 miles over five days, three young priests of the Diocese of Peoria sailed across the Indiana state line on April 28, bringing “Priests Pedaling for Prayers” to a close. “It does seem a little surreal,” said Father Tom Otto of Monmouth at journey’s end. “Things like […]

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