Good investment? Our time

As this is written on Wednesday, it’s hard to predict where the U.S. economy — let alone our personal retirement accounts, investments, or savings plans — will stand by this weekend. Some of us may be a little, or a lot, less comfortable, depending on how or if the current crisis is eventually resolved.

But Christ’s call to charity doesn’t rise and fall like the stock market. For the follower of Jesus, it’s a constant no matter the state of our 401k.

In his first encyclical, “God is Love,” Pope Benedict XVI reminded us that “love for widows and orphans, prisoners, and the sick and needy of every kind is as essential to (the Church) as the ministry of the sacraments and preaching of the Gospel.” He didn’t add “only in a bull market.”

Let’s continue to be good stewards of all God’s gifts. Our ancestors sacrificed during tough times to build many of the parishes and schools we enjoy today. We are called to do the same. And remember, charity is not all financial, though that is important. Our time and talents are valuable gifts in our parishes and communities. There are many examples of that in this week’s issue of The Catholic Post, including the McGraw family from Ottawa profiled on our front page who are interim foster care providers. Where can we invest our time? Good opportunities are plentiful. — Thomas J. Dermody, editor-in-chief, The Catholic Post

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